September 20, 2001

  •   La framboise brillante .

      cet après - midi je bêchais à la fourche un coin de jardin où auparavant étaient les tomates . Dur travail car la terre était lourde . De temps en temps je m ' arrêtais et me redressais pour reprendre mon souffle . Je contemplais les 1400 poireaux que j ' avais repiqués il y a quelques temps . Soudain mon regard fut attiré par quelque chose qui brillait non loin de moi . C ' était une des dernières framboises illuminée par le soleil bas sur l ' horizon . La framboise parmi les feuilles vertes brillait ...brillait rayonnait d ' une lumière rose éclatante . Petite merveille qu ' on ne pouvait voir qu ' en levant la tête et en regardant autour de soi .

      The bright raspberry .

      This evening I turned over with a furk a part of the vegetable garden where the tomatoes were before . Hard work as the ground was heavy . From time to time I stopped and stood up again to get my breath . I gazed the 1400 leeks I had transplanted sometimes ago . Suddenly my attention was attracted by something that shone no far from me . It was one of the last raspberries illuminated by the sun nearby the skyline . The raspberry among the green leaves shone...shone... giving a pink bright light . Little wonder that only might be seen in raising the head and looking around oneself .

Comments (10)

  • There is much to see in the garden daily you cansee minor miracles if you have the time to stand and stare

    Well done my friend   Ron

  • There is always hope in the world.
    The black bird surely missed the rasperry.

  • There is always hope in the world.
    The black bird surely missed the rasperry.

  • Beautiful! You can paint with words my friend. I can actually see it right in front of me. Love, bianca

  • oh what a wonderful description of a garden...i can smell the raspberries....i never had a garden...never lived near one...i bet it must be wonderful...the flowers...the scents...ohh sighh...the peace of it...thank you!!!!       love, xally

  • I love the raspberries.....and HRH is Her Royle Highness of England. Queen Elizabeth.   Even Queens do it.

  • La nature!! Toujours un petit cadeau pour embellir nos jours... J'adore jardiner!


  • Thank you for that walk through your garden. My, you love life, Dear Man. You bring a smile to my face just seeing your name on my site. Have a happy day. 

  • Je suis rappelé mes raisins. Flétrissement vers la fin de l'été. Très mûr et bonbon, préparez pour faire le vin.

  • Being able to see beauty in the simple, but still important things in everyday life is really knowing how to live! Nice blogs, friend.. they make me think and smile too

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taking care of what is around us


September 2001
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