July 18, 2014

  • Berry time;

    Le temps des baies

    Berry time


    English version below the pictures





    En juillet le temps des cerises est fini mais nous goûtons le temps des baies juteuses : groseilles rouges, framboises, groseilles à maquereau et bientôt les mûres;
    Ce midi après le repas je voyais ma femme Janine qui collait des étiquettes sur des bouteilles remplies d’un liquide rouge . C’ était la dernière étape de la fabrication de la crème de cassis . Elle me dit : «  Va à la cave et tu trouveras 9 bouteilles déjà faites  et je suis en train d’en terminer 10 autreS

    1 janine étiquetant les cassis Juillet 2014

     In July cherry time is gone but we enjoy berry time ; redcurrants, raspberries, gooseberries and soon blackberries .

    Today after the meal I saw my wife Janine who was sticking labels on  bottles filled with a red liquor. It was the last stage of the making of blackcurrants liquor called cassis . She told me: "go down to the cellar you will find   9 bottles  already made and I am finishing 10 others ".



    Voici les  9 bouteilles de cassis déjà prêtes

    2 2014 a la cave déjà 9 bouteilles de cassis

    Here are the 9 bottles on the picture above.


    Tandis que j’ étais à la cave je voyais une jarre en terre cuite où du cassis  était en attente macérant pour une légère fermentation. Je vis aussi une bombonne en verre avec une étiquette «  vin de cerise » , en attente, et sur la droite une récipient contenant un essai de vin de cassis . . Au premier plan dans une cocotte est un essai d ' apéritif. C’ était comme un laboratoire . La fabrication d’une bonne crème de cassis  demande une série d’opérations , une vraie chimie et beaucoup de travail. Ce n’ est  pas surprenant que des siècles ont été nécessaires pour découvrir cet élixir en Bourgogne à Dijon.


    3 2014 vin de cerise, liqueur de cassis macérant, vin de cassis ' essai), apéritif


    While I was  in the cellar I saw an earthenware jar where cassis was on the wait for a light fermentation. I saw also a glass carboy with a label  “ cherry wine “ on the wait and on the right another can was containing a try of new  wine  . On the foreground in the cooker it is a try of cassis appetizer!!    .   . This was like a labs .Making a good blackcurrant liquor is a true process, a true chemistry and a lot of work. Not surprising centuries have been  needed to discover this elixir in the Burgundy around Dijon.


      J’ ai pris aussi une photo de l’ intérieur d ‘un placard  à côté de la cuisine . C’ était( Ô merveille !) des pots de gelée de framboise 2014 et à droite ce qui restait de 2013

    5 2014 gelée de framboise et à droite gelées 2013

    I took also   a photo of the inside of a cupboard next to the kitchen . It was (O wonder! )  a lot jarsof jelly of raspberry  2014 and on the right what remaining of 2013 .


    J ‘ appelais ma femme . Elle était à la cave et quand je m’y suis rendu il y avait maintenant 19 bouteille sde crème de cassis .
    Revenant dans la cuisine; je remarquai un grand bol de compote ! C' était de la compote de groseille à maquereau, un de mes desserts préférés depuis l' enfance.

    4 2014 à la cave 10 boutelleilles de cassis en plus et 9 viendront


    6 2014 Compote de groseille à maquereau

    I called my wife ;; she was in the cellar and when I went to there were now 19 bottles of blackcurrant liquor !

    Coming back in the kitchen I noticed a large bowl containing a kind of compote . It was compote of gooseberries ,one of  my prefered dessert since my childhood


    Bien! il est temps de penser à la gelée de mure. Les buissons plantés autour du potager s'annoncent riches en fruits . je crois que cette nuit je vais rêver de gelées et de liqueur . Extatique!

    Well, it is time to think of the blackberrie jelly . The bushes around  the veggie garden look productive. I believe this night I am going to dream of jelly and liquor . Ecstatic!



Comments (37)

  • I need to learn how to make liquor with the raspberries. I just keep making and giving away jam. I have enough in the freezer for one more batch of jam, and I think I will let the birds have what's left on the bushes unless I need a few berries for a raspberry chocolate mousse or something. I have to start preparing for the tomatoes (salsa) and the peaches (spiced peaches and peach jam).

    • I asked Janine . She made raspberry liquor in the past . If you want a recipe translated in English tell me, here on this site, and I will write it on your site

  • All that wine! And I know it's going to taste very, very good!! Here in Nebraska, we're breaking the law if we try to make it....Wish we were living in a state, that would allow us to make it......

  • I envy how you and Janine compliment each other. You work together to produce these lovely products. With your large family you need these! Do you give any to others?

  • Making jam is an ambitious endeavor -- but so wonderful when completed! Every year, my mother used to make jam that would last all year -- strawberry, plum, peach jams were all on the menu at some point during each year! And then wine too -- such ambition!

  • You have a well-stocked pantry. It's so good that you are still able to do all of that. Blessings.

  • What a blessing indeed! The bounty of the earth, picked and tasted and refreshed with the wines and compotes. Wonderful post Michel. Enjoy your efforts in good health always. Greetings to Janine for the hard work she does.

  • Oh, I would love Janine's raspberry liquor recipe! Thank you!

  • yes indeed ~ a lot of work ~ but, oh, the fruit of her labors makes it all worthwhile! :)

  • This is incredibly interesting... home-made berry wine, or is it more of a liquour... a cordial... an after dinner apertif?
    Is there no talent you and your family do not possess? Your gardens, your jams, your jellies, your wine? You make me wish I could come live there.

    Also interesting is, that I see Tupperware in the background of the third picture. Seems odd to know that Tupperware makes its way to France. I wonder where else in the world it goes. :-)

    • The cherry wine is used as apéritif( we drink a small glass before the meal )
      The blackcurrant liquor is used as a liquour . This is very sweet and perfumed. We can also add to the liquor in the glass, some white wine to have an apéritif called a " Kir " , from the name of its inventor , a priest of Dijon in Burgundy.
      The Tupperware is used for long in France and on the picture it countains a try of new wine so it is a secret !! :)

  • sounds good to me.

  • What a coincidence! My sister picked blackberries today.

  • Wow, homemade berry wine! Hmm, maybe someday I will try to make my own! And homemade jelly sounds so delicious right now!

  • Just think! Because of all the hard work you all have put in...you can enjoy the wonderful taste of berries all through the Winter! :-)
    HUGS to you and HUGS to Janine for her all her creative, hard work! :-)

  • When we lived in America, I enjoyed going to the farm markets for fresh produce I could preserve. I liked making pickles and spaghetti sauce. I also made jam when the strawberries were ripe. It is a good feeling to see the shelves filled with nice things!

  • The berry products look lovely and delicious. I wish I were there to try them.

  • I am a fan of the berry jams and preserves. I count myself supremely lucky to have saintvi as my friend - she has just gifted me with some of her jam! I can't wait to open it... I'm sure it will be delicious! The blackberries are a favorite of my husband Sparky!

  • This is almost like a trip down memory lane as to jelly. I helped mom but never made any myself. Here in this part of TX we have no basements and little cupboard space. My dad was always shocked I did not have a garden.

    ryc: the pictures were framed using my Paint Shop Pro program. :-)

  • So very wonderful and I will bet that that wine would cure all the ailments one could imagine. Much love to the creators and growers of such little miracles. :3

  • Thinking about you and all the friends that used to visit here in Xanga. Good times <3

  • Michel, I will continue to visit here too. Just that this Xanga is not as easy as the old one :( Hugs and Love

  • Hi Michel, this brought back memories. My mother used to make blackberry jelly and it was wonderful.

  • Michel, Janine has been very busy. Just look forward to the wonderful tastes this winter as you remember the joy of growing and producing. Homemade jams are so wonderful on warm toast on a cold winter morning. :) Enjoy. hugs to you both......Marilyn Thysell

  • What a joy to have such things in your cellar. Janine and you have wonderful skills in the garden and kitchen that sadly are being lost in this very busy world

  • Your liquids and jams look fantastic. I make strawberry jam in my bread machine. Works just great. I think I should save lots of money and come enjoy some of the things you and your wife make - silly thought!!!!

  • Good day Michel. Thanks for your lovely comment and encouragement.
    to add to the worries, I was hearing about the terrible things happening in France... :-( Islam is increasingly serving as a divisive factor in all countries of the world. :-( Lord help us.

  • Prière de communiquer avec moi, re: yulberto

  • Oh what a wonderful bounty. Enjoy!!

  • That looks wonderful. I plan to make cherry jam on the weekend.

  • Looks like you have a wonderful wife. Blackcurrants liquor called cassis must taste very good.

    • The blackcurrant fruits are not liked by all the people but the blackcurrant liquor is loved by all and can be used in various ways. Yes my wife is very active and industrious.

  • TY so very much for your comment on my post of photos of Bower Lake and it is so very peaceful and calming.

  • Ah, how delightful! Our berry crop is the most abundant it has ever been! I have been busy picking every day. I eat too many before I even get into the house...

  • What a wonderful bounty of cherries and berries! How special to have your very own jams, compote, and wines. I delight in seeing how you and Janine work together. You have a blessed partner in marriage and life!

  • Santé!
    Quelles merveilles sortent de votre jardin et de vos talents à les mettre en valeur!
    Vive le kir bourguignon!

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