February 22, 2015

  • Around a glass of beer/ glass of beer: the good use .



    Autour d ' un verre de bière

    Around a glass of beer     18 février


    English version below the pictures




    Lundi dernier Janie m’emmena faire une petite marche ( nécessaire après mon opération à la colonne vertébrale). C 'était dans  un nouveau quartier d’Amiens appelé « la Vallée des Vignes ». C ‘tait un agréable endroit pour marcher. Les immeubles laissent une très grande place aux pelouses et aux arbres Mais mon pas devint plus lent. Il était temps de s’en aller.

    1 promenade

    Last Monday Janine took me to a walk ( I have to walk much after my spine surgery).  It was a new quarter of Amiens called the vallée des vignes ( grapewine valley in English ).  This is a pleasant place to walk . The buildings let a very large place to lawn and trees . But my pace became slower and it was time to go out .



    S ‘en aller ? Oui mais pas n’importe où,. Nous sommes allés  à un centre commercial incluant un énorme supermarché. Autour de supermarché il y a une galerie marchande bordée par des magasins de taille humaine. Janine aime les supermarchés parce qu’on y trouve tout ce qu’on veut et souvent elle  rencontre des gens connus antérieurement. Janine entra  dans le  supermarché  et pendant ce temps je m’ asseyais sur un banc dans la galerie ; Janine sait que je perds la respiration dans ces gigantesques magasins  et leur foule . Après un moment passé sur le banc je me suis rappelé qu’il y avait un café parmi le petits magasins de la galerie .

    2 galerie marchande

    a part of the gallery

    To go out ? yes but not  everywhere . But to go to a trade center including a huge hypermarket .At  the side of the hypermarket we find a kind of covered street called “gallery” bordered of human sized shops. Janine love those hypermarkets where we find whatever we want to?   Often she runs into some people she knew a  while ago. Janine entered the big supermarket .Meanwhile  I sat on a bench in the gallery . Janine knows I lose my breath in the gigantic mall and this crowd of people . After a .moment on the bench I thought there was a cafe among the little shops of the “gallery




    3 caisses du suoermarché

    The supermarket ( part view)at the cashes.



    Je me levais de mon banc attiré par l’image d ‘un verre de bière  ce qui est certainement une invention du Démon.  Oui , je vois le café . Je m’affale sur une chaise et aussitôt je demande au garçon une bière. Ah ! ce verre de bière : une merveille incomparable. Regardez  cette couleur dorée. Regardez ce s bulles  et la  couche de mousse en surface . La photo ne traduit pas très bien la réalité parce qu’elle a été prise  un certain temps après  qu’elle a été servie et beaucoup de bulles sont déjà parties dans l’air. Et le gout?  Divin. Je frissonnais à la à la première goulée. Puis tous le boutons gustatifs de la bouche ont été excités

    4verre de bière à Auchan

    I got up from my bench attracted by the sight of a glass which is certainly an invention of the Devil.Yes it is here , I see it . I collapse on a chair and immediately I ordered to the waiter a glass of beer.! Ah: This glass of beer: A wonder that cannot be compared to anything . Look at this golden color . Look at the bubbles and this little layer of mousse . The photo does not make justice to the real because I thought to take a photo a moment after it was served . Some bubbles was already returned in the air. And the taste ?. Divine, I was shivering at the first sipping. Then all of the taste buds on my mouth were stimulated. All of my body was jubilating



    C’est à ce moment là que Janine revint du grand magasin . Comme vous le voyais je n’avais pris qu’une petite quantité de bière. Elle commenda un thé et vous savez quoi ? Elle avait bu sa tasse de thé alors que mon verre n’ était qu’ à moitié vide ! Les femmes sont toujours pressées et mon reste de bière coula dans ma bouche comme une chute de bière : Une honte. mais quoi qu'il en soit ce fut une bonne journée , comme un rêve:


    5 SDC14183

       I was at this point when janine came back from the huge mall. As you see I had been drinking only a little quantity of beer. She ordered a cup tea. and you know what ? She had drunk her cup and my glass was only half empty; Women always are in hurry and the rest of my beer fell in my mouth like a beer fall. A shame!. But whatever , it was a good day like a dream!


    UP date 21 février  February 21

    Beer glass: the good use
    Un verre de bière : mode d'emploi.

    Certains lecteurs ont été intrigues par la forme du verre  de bière servi au café . Ce verre est couramment utilisé dans les cafés.

    Mais à la maison nous  avons d’autres types de verres à bière.
    Pour les invités nous utilisons un verre à bière normal (  ci-dessous à gauche ) , grand et contenant tout le contenu de la petite  bouteille de 25 centilitres ci-dessous.

     Mais personnellement j’utilise le petit verre rond . Pourquoi ? Parce que je ne peux pas le remplir en une fois . Quand il est vide je peux à nouveau y verser la bière restée dans la bouteille.. Ainsi j’ ai un second verre de bière et la bouteille n’ est même  pas encore vidée.  Et donc j’ ai le plaisir ineffable  de verser une troisième fois dans mon verre pour vider la bouteiile . j’ ai donc eu le plaisir de remplir trois fois mon verre et aussi cette inexprimable sensation de tremper trois fois mes lèvres  dans ce verre de bière plein et de gouter tros fois ce bain de bulles parfumées
     Les petites choses offrent parfois des plaisirs extrêmes mais il faut savoir prendre son temps

    2015 biére bouteilles et bière



    Some readers were intrigued by the shape of the beer glass served at the cafe above . This glass is currently used in a cafe.

    But at home we have  other kinds of beer glasses.
    For the guests we use the normal beer glass(on the left) , large and able to contain half a pint of beer that is in the little bottle on the photo above

    But personally I use the small round glass . Why ? Because I cannot fill it at once . When it is empty I am able to pour the beer remained in the bottle .. So I has a second glass of beer and the bottle is not empty yet. So I have the extreme pleasure to pour a third time  my glass to empty the bottle . So I had The inexpressible pleasure to pour three times and also three times to dip my lips in this full glass of beer and to have a bath of fragrant bubbles.

    Little things offer great pleasure but we have to take time.


Comments (44)

  • It is nice you two can enjoy the simple things in life, like a walk, a bit of shopping, and a glass of good beer and a cup of hot tea. Do you believe I have never tasted beer? I'm not in any hurry to taste it either, though I'm sure yours is better than the kinds they sell uin cans in this country.

  • This made me smile Michel. I've been known to sip tea slowly. :-) I love the picture of the glass with beer, bet it would be as lovely with the color of wine in it too.

    Put a short post up.

    • I agree with you that wine has also beautiful colors which changes with the various kind of wine . Wine is at a higher level.Is not it biblical ?

  • Good Evening, Michel from Starbucks while my wife has her nails done.

    Love the place where you tried to enjoy a nice glass of cold beer. In my family, I am the guzzler. lol

    Love your photos.



  • What a wonderful outing! What a wonderful day.
    The sky in that first photo is surreal, like a painting.

  • Is it a cold beer? Getting a great feeling having your hand getting cold, drinking beer from a glass like that one I think.

    • The beer was cold but not iced . The temperature must be a bit below the temperature of the air . So you have a fresh beer with all its fragrance . The beer must be in a special glass.Here the glass called "a calice "

  • a cute/funny post ~ ;)

  • Hehe! I love the expression on Janine's face as she prepares her tea. Is she scolding you for having a beer?? I'm so pleased you are able to get out and walk. Here we are having a high at -4 degrees F (-20C) tomorrow it is supposed to get as low as -15F (-26.1C) tomorrow. I will be bundling up!

  • YAY for a good day, Michel...walking with your sweetie, Janine, and enjoying a beer! :-) Janine's expression made me laugh! :-) So cute! I imagine husbands see that expression a lot from their wives! :-)
    Glad you are out and about, Michel! Keep up the good work of healing! :-)
    HUGS and <3 !!! :-)

  • Walking is good for the soul and the back. :-) Glad you had a jolly walk. I think I'll go fix a drink of coffee now! :-)

  • At least there is somewhere you can buy a beer while Janine is shopping, you know how long we women take when shopping

  • So happy to see you up and around Michel. What a lovely, peaceful walking path.
    That hypermarket looks wonderful, and good of you for sitting down and having a taste of beer.
    Have wonderful week end.

  • TY so very much of you kind comments on my post about needing to bring TD home from the beach.

  • your wife looks so pretty. Do you know how lucky you are? I guess you do.
    I'm still on facebook but haven't come back here yet.

  • Ty so very much for your comment ton my lunch photo. It was late in the day and it was almost to late to cook dinner, so I stopped at Taco bell for taco Salads.
    They were very filling and tasty.

  • Cheers, my friend. I am drinking a beer as I read this. Should we ever meet, I will buy the beer!

  • It is the small pleasures! Savoring the experience is often pushed aside in the hurry of living. Too late we realize it is the journey and not the destination that makes for happiness.

  • Yes, you are so right! Little things do offer great pleasures! I love glasses of all shapes and sizes and color and they do make me smile! :-) Thank you for your always kind fun comments on my WP site! :-)
    Hope you and Janine have a great weekend, Michel! :-)
    HUGS!!! :-)

  • Michel, I knew we were kindred spirits. :-) I also enjoy the pleasure of second helpings. I always eat in small portions because I enjoy this pleasure of going back for more... never taking more than I need.
    I completely understand what you describe. :-)

  • Ty so very much for your comments on post and photo of the clams.

  • Wow you introduce a better glass for drinking beer. Looks like the one at the cafe is for women, the one that you use for yourself home is for men.

  • L'art de vivre l'instant présent en appréciant les lieux, et les saveurs diverses. Santé! Avec le thé et avec la bière!
    Au sujet de celle-ci, dommage que la jeune génération la boive au goulot ....
    Amitiés AM à l'heure de la tisane ... :-)

  • Now I am wanting a cold glass of beer also. But there is none to be had in our home, only wine. Sigh.

  • Michel, Many years ago, my dad taught me to put salt in my beer and get fresh bubbles or frothy top. I have since given up beer and prefer wine in very small amounts. The same theory.

  • I'm so glad you are able to get out and walk and enjoy a beer. BLessings!!

  • Such a lovely glass for a beer! :)

  • I so enjoy the little things we take time to savor! Age has mellowed me a lot. I too, am a woman always in a hurry! I have had to make myself slow down. I have been missing so much beauty rushing here and there. Now I take the time to appreciate the small beauties in our world. <3 Love and hugs. Your description made me live the beer sipping with you :)

  • Michel, I am glad to hear that you are recovering from your troubling surgery. And if beer can inspire you go the distance, then beer it must be. Cheers to you and Janine, your wonderful wife and nurse, who lends a loving hand as you mend. xxoo Cassi

  • How are you doing this week, Michel!?
    I'm still praying for your recovery, and for Janine!
    HUGS to both of you!

  • What sacrifices we make for our wives! I'm fairly certain they're worth the sacrifice, though for all their tolerance of us.
    We've had a hard, cold winter, and I'm looking forward to the first warm weather.

    RYC, the picture of the girls ice skating is mine, but my Gracie did the beautiful portraits of her sister. She has become quite the photographer.

  • Thank you, Michel, for kind comments on my WP blog!!! :-) I always look forward to your kind comments! :-)
    RYC: those pics were not me as a little girl...they were pics of the little girl in the movie To Kill a Mockingbird...but, I looked a lot like her when I was a little girl! The haircut, the clothes, etc. :-)
    HUGS!!! :-)

    • Yes, Carolyn, I guessed you and the little girl looked alike . It is a beautiful image for me

  • Hi Michel ... I really enjoyed this post.
    I hope that your back is healing well. Do you do a lot of walking? I would think that would cause pain.
    I enjoyed your description of the mall. I am one who also cannot walk too much, and so I will sit down and enjoy a hot or cold drink and watch people... a delightful past time!
    I loved the way that you describe the joys of drinking your beer ... taking the time to make it an experience ... not just a beverage. I also had to chuckle as I pictured your enjoyment of making a beer last of three pours into your smaller glass! :-)
    Love, hugs, and enjoyments of the little things in life ... Carolyn :-)

  • You start with the grape wine valley and end up drinking beer. Why not?
    If I am not wrong this beer is of the sa called "lager" type as the British call it, or pils as we say in Europe.
    I am become a little beer drinker in Belgium.
    They have an incredible quantities of beer and each one with a different own glass. :-)
    3.40 is a lot of money foe a beer in the supermarché. I know this huge supermaché in France and they have a lot of goodies and they are nice too, much better of what we have here in Belgium.....except for the beer.



  • I am so happy to hear that you are able to get around and do some walking even if you are winded. I hope that you build back up to being able to walk without getting winded. As for the Beer that is so good to know you can still appreciate a glass or 2 (depending on the size) and enjoy the small flavors of life.

  • I LOVED reading your description of the beer and its stimulating power over your senses. I had a smile from ear to ear.
    I hope your surgical experience is positive and that you are healing very well Dear Michel. Much love to you and Janine.

  • I had no idea that you had spine surgery. I pray that you are as good as new...The beer looks refreshing.

  • You made me laugh! It's so nice to read the visceral experience you had with the beer - you described it beautifully. I don't drink beer but I know that feeling of savoring well. Thank you for writing!

    I hope you continue to recover from your surgery every day.

  • Hahaha... this is such a cute and funny post! You're very french indeed... just taking time to enjoy the fine things in life!

  • Michel, that beer looks so good! I'm glad you're getting out and enjoying the yummy things life has to offer us!

  • Beer? Tea? all good for the soul and spending precious time with those closes to your heart. Love you both. Marilyn

  • There are times when nothing will do but a nice cold beer, like after a long hot bike ride. Do you drink it cold in France or room temperature like they do in Germany?

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