July 4, 2012

  • Veil gardening or Sail gardening ?/ Happy July 4th



     Jardinage avec voile ou à voile.
    Veil  gardening or sail gardening?


    English version below the pictures

    Nous connaissions bien sûr  les bateaux à voile, mais ma femme (Janine) et moi pratiquons le jardinage à voile.
    Voici ci-dessous une vue de mon jardin la semaine dernière. Au premier plan, Janine nettoie et bêche le sol sous le cerisier. Elle aime!
      Pourquoi, tous ces voiles? Nous sommes obligés d’en mettre de plus en plus tous les ans. Sinon, les oiseaux mangent les petits pois et les laitues. Divers papillons viennent  pondre leurs œufs au sommet de vos jeune carottes ou choux et bien sûr vous ne récoltez  rien.  Les voiles sont également nécessaires pour aider la germination et la croissance . Bien appliqués sur les bords contre le sol ils protègent aussi vos tendres plantes des escargots


     Janine travaillant dans le jardin Juin2 012
    General sight of the veggie garden end of June 2012  Vue générale du potager photo MFauquet


    4 Vue partielle du Jardin 1 Juillet 2012
     Part view:Left to right : peas with veil, parsley and two varieties of young leeks ( veil off) , turnip and red beet without veil, lettuce with veil, carrots with vail
     . Vue partielle , de gauche à droite : pois avec voile, persilet deux variétés de poireaux ( voile enlevé ), navet et betteraves rouges sans voile, lairtue avec voile, carottes avec voile

    We knew the sail boats but my wife ( janine ) and me are practicing the "sail" gardening .

    Here is above a sight of my garden last week . At the foreground Janine is cleaning and digging  under te cherry tree. She loves !!!

     Why , all those veils? We are forced more and more every years . If we don' t use veils , the birds eat the peas and the lettuces . Various butterflies love to lay their eggs in the top of your young carrots or cabbages  and of course you gather  nothing. Veils are also needed to help the germination and the growth . If you apply carefully the edges on the ground you protect the tender plants against the snails.



    Aujourd'hui, Dimanche 1er Juillet, Janine et notre petite-fille Manon(12ans ) jouèrent dans le potager .

    Today , Sunday first of July in the afternoon , Janine and our granddaughter Manon(12) played in the veggie garden.-

    1Janine et Manon enlevant un voile 1 Juillet 2012
    Janine and our granddaughter Manon lifting a veil  from the rows of green beans. First of July 2012   . Janine et notre petite -fille Manon soulevant un voile d'au-dessus d'un plant  de haricots verts                                  

    2Janine et Manon pliant un voile rer Juillet2012
    Folding the veil.  Pliage du voile .

    4haricots contents 1 Juillet 2012
    Happy green beans . They have been almost killed before by a shower of hail.
    Heureux haricots . Ils ont failli être détruits auparavant par une averse de grêle .

    3 un second voile
    A second veil off . Un second voile enlevé.

    5 même les cornichons 1er Juillet 2012
    Even the gherkins need to be protected ( snail , birds, insects ) and the white lily is their guard !!
    Même les cornichons ont à être protégés contre les escargots, oiseaux et insectes et le lis blanc monte la garde.
    All of thes photos( excepted the first) have been taken on the first of July 2012 by M. Fauquet

    All of this above looks simple but I can affirm when the wind is blowing the veil in your hands becomes quickly a sail when you install it or put it off the patch of vegetables !!! 

    Tout ce qui figure ci-dessus semble simple mais je peux affirmer que lorsque le vent souffle le voile devient vite  une voile dans vos mains quand vous l' installer ou l' enlever du plant de végétaux .


     up date July 4,  2012

    Happy July 4th to my American friends !


Comments (116)

  • Wow, what a beautiful garden! I have never seen the veils used here (but then, I'm not a gardener!), but I imagine they are so very useful! And the white lily is beautiful!

  • Je n'ai jamais vu des haricots verts si contents! Those snails will certainly have a challenge ahead of them.

  • So good that the beans survived and are thriving. I like the veils but do they thwart the bunnies??

  • Hi Michel!

    This looks fantastic! I tried gardening a little last year, and I grew great Napa cabbage, broccoli, and lettuce. (Unfortunately I had to move away from the countryside because the drive took too long to get to school) I never thought to use nets to protect them! Glad the hail did not kill the green beans! Everything is so lush...!

  • michel, so beautiful your white lily and veils- what a great idea ! we have cheesecloth like fabric to protect veggies here but have not seen the semi circle metal in which to attach.  I had terrible trouble in virginia with snails, they ate leaves of peppers, and hydranges.  we had grande hail here around us and fierce winds 50-70 mi. per hour ! my block in city ok but electric is out from s.w. virginia to wash. d.c. and i think the ohio valley--a good chunk of the country ! i have been digging up my leaf bitten things and placing them in buckets, trying to save them from pesky slugs. i tried pots of vinegar around, but there is just too many slugs, that this did not work well. hope u and your family have a wonderful joyful week. michel, are you healing well? love to you , austin

  • Bowls of stale beer will kill your slugs (they drown themselves in their sorrow ha) I have fat groundhogs that have tunneled my yard so I am devoid of a garden until I decide I have to survive and they have to go. ha. What a wonderful garden and a lot of hard work. But yummy eating and all worth every moment compared to grocery store goods. :heartbeat:

    Sorry to hear you have been hailed on too...crazy weather this year.

    You both deserve a medal for such super smart thinking! :sunny:

    Hugs from Brenda in Nashville! :yes:

  • That is a mighty fine garden you have there!

  • That is an interesting technique. My uncles attack the problem of birds eating the new plants by putting wire cages around their plants, but I have never seen these veils before. Seems like it might be easier, if it is not too windy. The garden looks good! :)

  • We used to use the veils for our fruit trees to keep birds from eating everything before we could get to our apples an persimons

  • Your garden is beautiful!

  • Wonderful pictures ! And your garden looks great--I love the veils over the plants--You wife does a great job-and your grand daughter too !

  • Your beautiful gardens take so much work! How fine to have family there to help. And to help eat all the delicious production!

  • RYC: thanks, you have a beautiful family. and I learn much from your gardening posts!! :heartbeat: :heartbeat:

  • Your plants are growing quite well.  That is a lot of hard work.  But so worth it

  • Well done and our neighbor up the road has a very large garden and he also uses veils. I asked him why and he said to keep the bugs and birds from eating what he needs to feed his family through the winter.
    You have a lovely garden Michel and I know it is lovely due to all of the work you and your family put into it.
    Good job.

  • to me Nothing about it looks simple...How many hours a day does it take to do everything to maintain it? It is too beautiful and cared for to be simple to me, i know the work it took when i had a Huge flower garden. But there was not also the work of a Veggie garden and all you do to prepare it to eat later. Thanks for sharing! :sunny:

  • I just wait and other people give me fruit and veggies and I love the tomatoes the best. I hate those tomatoe worms though.

    You have a farm not just a garden

  • Michel,
    You have the most lovely life! It is obvious from your posts!

  • Plant a bowl of beer, as someone above suggested...bye bye slugs.

    Excellent garden mon ami.

  • Definitely a fine "garden of eatin'".

    I haven't seen the veils before, either; I will have to ask my gardening brother-in-law about that. He is putting in raised beds.

  • That is a truly impressive garden. I admire your energy and thoroughness.

  • Wow, that's some serious gardening. :sunny:

  • Smart to use the veils over your vegetables!! Where do you buy the veils?? and what do you use to keep the veils from touching the vegetables?  Great idea!

  • As others have said, that is an amazing garden. I'm jealous

  • Just beautiful!!! I might have to try some of those veils! The little moths this year are horrible! Thank you for sharing!

  • It is like war against all kind of invaders. I'm glad to see you practice a defensive war not a a chemical warfare as many do. I suggest that from every row of veggies, you leave one uncovered just one plant, for the snails and for the butterfly and for the birds( specially the cherry tree will be loved by the birds).
    Your reward for this will be great.
    When the wind blows, will the sails go sailing? Seriously, it must be a lot of work to put them down and to keep them down, and once in a while you must have to remplace them. Work, work, work.

    Bien à toi


  • ''This way, you do not have to stand in your garden as the scare crow. You garden shows much love and care. AMEN''

    '' De cette façon, vous n'avez pas à tenir dans votre jardin comme l'épouvantail. Vous jardin montre beaucoup d'amour et de soins. AMEN''

  • Looks like a wedding garden ~ complete with bridal veils ~

  • Making herbal essence?
    Nutrition and supplements


  • Answer to fwren above : this is a a new and charming idea ! Thanks

  • There is nothing simple about gardening! My dad never understood why we didn't have one. I grew tomatoes one year, the next year potato worms found them.

  • I VERY much enjoy watching you work in your garden! You work very hard, and I imagine it gives you much pleasure. Wish I could have some!

  • I always like to see pics of your garden. Maybe I will post some of mine...my husband's...I don't like the heat to get out and garden. It has been in the 100 degrees here for the past week. I stay in the air conditioning.

  • :heartbeat: thank you Michel, I'm glad you liked my picture! :)

  • Re: your comment on my post of 2 Jul 2012 - Thanks so very much for the recommendation! Haha! It is only a model of the rocket! hehe! My mistake...

  • hello dearest, veil, as bride wears on wedding day. your veggies are wearing v e i l s . you are so right mon aimee, we find peace, joy and God in our garden. you are very special, and blessed, i believe. i am so happy that you have great love and i am sure receive great love...with love, austin   p.s. you often inspire me Michel, thank you always, austin 

  • C'est très joli, un potager à voile.... Merci de l'avoir partagé avec nous.

    A propos du bébé qui vient d'arriver, eh bien il s'agit justement d'un petit fils, je suis tombée dans le piège des mots "faux amis" (le mot "nipote" en italien est utilisé dans les deux cas, soit qu'il s'agit de grandparents ou d'oncles).  Heureusement il y a les "vrais amis", qui t'aident à mieux reflechir quand l'on écrit quelque chose. Merci à toi Michel, et bon travail dans le jardin! Ciao.

  • The veils are so pretty I almost wish I needed them. With seven cats, I don't have much trouble with birds and in this dry climate, slugs and snails have a hard time surviving too. I've been having a bit of trouble with grasshoppers lately. I'm going to have to start cracking the whip on my lazy cats.

    Every year I'm amazed at the size of your garden. You two must work very hard in it every day.

  • Toute une entreprise que d'entretenir un potager! Et tellement plus écologique que l'usage intempestif d'insecticides, comme le dit si bien Carlo.

    Est-ce que ça hâte la récolte? Je crois qu'ici on utilise une technique similaire pour obtenir des fraises plus tôt dans la saison mais je ne suis par sûr que c'est le même genre de toiles.

  • Answer to Bnyuls above : I use two kinds of sail gardening, the first, nonwoven to accelerate germination and growth (sailing forcing) and another special against insects( which helps also for the growth but is more pricey)

  • Votre jardin est une merveille de savoir-faire! Bravo!

    Quant au voile ... impossible de ne pas penser aussi a celui qui tente d'obliger peut-etre nos petites-filles a le porter. Je dis cela car c'est deja arrive ailleurs sur notre belle planete et que je voudrais volontiers preserver l'avenir des jeunes filles, et aussi des moins jeunes dames, par nos latitudes. Beaucoup dirons qu'Il n'y a pas de problemes ... vive la tolerance, et c'est il me semble se voiler la face .... a l'avance .... Bref, qu'en pensez-vous ?
    Amities :heartbeat:

    Pardon pour les accents, l'iPad a clavier anglophone n'en veut pas.

  • BEAUTIFUL GARDEN!!!! Enjoy eating!!!

  • Re my post on 7-3-2012: Thanks Michel! I do appreciate the compliment! Every Tuesday is a continuation of this story...

  • RYC: Canada Dry ça existe vraiment. C'est la marque d'une boisson gazeuse au gingembre (ginger ale) et la meilleure en ce qui me concerne, meilleure en tout cas que la Schweppes (même si j'en bois rarement). J'ignore si l'une ou l'autre de ces marques est vendue en France.

    Pour les talents de chef, j'en ai plus pour varier mon menu que pour la haute gastronomie. Je déteste manger toujours la même chose, ne serait-ce que pour le moral .

  • Ty so very much Michel and humor is the best cure for all that ails us.

  • Michel, what a wonderful big garden you and Janine have....lots of work, but the bounty is wonderful.  Interesting way you put veils over the veggies to protect them.  My 'little' garden is doing nicely and 2 tomatoes are beginning to turn red !   Hot weather on the way.  By Sunday, it is to be 102 degrees so says the weatherman. 


  • Beautiful! Hi, Michel. You and my husband will get along well. He loves gardening!

  • RYC: tu as parfaitement raison, c'est bien tarragon. J'ai aussi un petit contenant de sauterelles grillées, achetées au Mexique, mais je ne me suis jamais résolu à les manger. Merci pour la précision concernant 'vos' géants.

  • Neat! I have never seen garden veils before. What a super smart thing to do! Thank you for the Independence Day wish...thanks to your country that we succeeded in our fight for freedom.

  • Wow. What a wonderful garden. You must have the proverbial green thumb.

  • Thanks for the birthday wishes (U.S.'s birthday, that is).  It's always a great holiday, even when you have to work, as I am now.

  • RYC: her name is Ava Gail She is my son's daughter. She is 6 years old now.
    Thank you for the 4th wishes.

  • None of that looks simple, it is hard work. But, you have captured the beauty and joy of a garden in every detail of your photos!

    ryc: "blocked?" no way you would be blocked, i just haven't been into xanga for a while

  • Thank you Michel for your  4th of July wishes--It's very hot in Texas so we will stay inside !

  • I'm not sure but I think I might love your gardening blogs the best. Especially if they also have grandchildren in them!

  • Thank-you for the happy wishes for us. I hope we can stay free over here.

    The garden looks like a lot of work but it's beautiful. Right now I have so much going, well, it's a good thing I don't have a garden. It would be knee high in weeds! :wink:

  • I gave up gardening because of birds, deer, raccoons and rabbits

    I had a light fence for rabbits but the coons pulled it down; the deer did more damage with their feet then their mouths.

    At least we where popular with the forest animals.

  • how lovely you grow all those lovely things! i know nothing about gardening so i was wondering about them. i got that it protects from the birds but i didn't know about the butterflies and even snails! just wonderful to eat the stuff you grow. i'd like to do that! i love to read about what you're doing michel!!! :love:lucky manon gets to help with the veils and gardening! lovely post as usual!!! :lol: :goodjob:bonne nuit, cher michel! :wave:

  • How wonderful is your garden...so very good and of the earth. We should all take your example and grow more of our food. I have very little sun here in this ocean town so I have no clue of what vegetables would grow here. Blessings for all with lots of love Nancy

  • RYC: Ava's great grandmother's name was Eva.

  • You and Janine have an amazing garden, Michel, and you are wise to protect it as best as you can against the weather and the creatures. I hope you don't see those sails too often!


  • As always your garden looks wonderful, has your summer been as wet as it has been here.At least all the rain helps the plants to grow. Janine and you have been very busy I have been busy watching the Tour this week , loved it when it arrive in Boulogne. Poor Mark Cavendish has not had the best two days but we will are all hopefully for tomorrows race

  • you guys are quite the gardeners! i always like a peek into what you're doing~

  • You have a very green garden.

    I think you've misunderstood me about being away from my sister. I live in my country, but she isn't. She's studying abroad now. :D

  • What a wonderful garden! That is a lot of work.

  • Answer to Roadkill_Spatula above : yes the garden was nice but since July 3  we have a row of   storms no stop which cause damage to the garden . Gardening is a lesson of modesty . We are dependent of the nature

  • This looks wonderful with the promise of many good things to eat.

  • oh my good ness that is a big job !!!!!

    but it looks wonderful;)

    ENJOY the fruits of your labors!!!

  • Michel, you have such a beautiful garden and so well kept.  You and Janine must spend a lot of time caring for all of your happy plants!  We don't have space for a large garden but my husband plants a few things in containers around the deck. 

  • You protect your garden well, my friend!  My little circle garden in no way compares to your work of love, but I am thankful for its growth.  We also had some hail this week.  There was a very strong storm that passed through and left a lot of damage in its wake.  I see you have plenty of help in the garden.  You are truly blessed!  Have a great weekend! - Rachel

  • RYC: Thank you, Michel.

  • That looks like hard work!

  • Happy Sunday, Michel!  It is much cooler here in Michigan today.  A cold front went through yesterday afternoon that dropped temperatures to the 80's instead of the 100's.  It will warm up today, but it is not supposed to be as bad.  I hope the garden prospers despite the recent storms.  Smiles and hugs! - Rachel

  • Love the veils instead of spraying. Well done, Michel.

  • What a lush and beautiful garden....Truly you and Janine are in partnership with God.   The love for the garden is rewarded.  The plants respond.

    You will enjoy a bountiful harvest.  I wish I could be there when Janine makes her cherry specialties to help you enjoy them.  You shared a recipe with me at one time.  Unfortunately, sour cherries(love them) and , in fact, all cherries do not grow well in FL.  I have memories of the sour cherry tree we had in Cleveland.

    I am fine Michel.  Thanks for your concern.  I will update perhaps sometime next week. 


    votre amie,


  • Ty so very much for your comments on my post of the photos of the osprey at Moon Island.

  • You are so diligent in the way you grow your garden. What a unique way to protect the plants. I had never seen that in a regular home garden. Next year I will use this idea.

    The pictures are beautiful Michel.

  • You're very clever using this sail thingy. Dang! I wish I was fluent in French (after three years you'd think I would be) so that I could respond in your tongue. All I can recall is j'ai fatigue et j'ai faim. Your grandaughter is tres jolie. She is the same age as my son. 

  • Very impressive sir.... I'd love to do gardening again, but the time just wasn't there this time around.  Last year was the drought we had.... love fresh veggies when I can get them.

  • Ty so very much Michel and we love the ocean.

  • RYC: le 45% c'est le nombre de pages web en anglais. Comme langue parlée usuellement par les gens, à travers le monde, ce n'est qu'une fraction de ce nombre.

    Bonne pause estivale.

  • RYC:  It is very sad.  I hope that more countries will become independent of such instituitons, but I'm afraid that the big companies are making too much money off of it.  However after watching this, I won't be eating chicken anymore which is funny because I used to play with the chickens all the time as a kid and we never got sick.  In fact, we never got ecoli and we sprayed  manure on our garden.  Makes me think where they went wrong.

  • I enjoyed so much viewing your gardening photos! It reminds me of the vegetable garden my dad used to have way back home which served as playground for me and my sisters ! We had fun catching butterflies, dragonflies, grasshoppers as kids. Those are precious memories...

  • some reap what they sow but your family reaps what they veil...Good Work Fauquets, we will be missing you until you return :heartbeat: :heartbeat: :heartbeat:

  • RYC :Whatever the reason for taking a break I hope it's a happy one--if not please take my thoughts and prayers with you

  • a garden of eatin' - ha ;)
    what a lot of work - but such wonderful rewards at the end!

    michel - sorry i have not been replying - i haven't been receiving updates :(
    now you are on a rest - i thought you had been on one already since i didn't know you were writing -ha!
    have a lovely july!!


  • Wow you have such a beautiful garden Michel, and looking at these photos - the weather is equally beautiful

  • Next summer season or late spring I shall employ these sails to my garden as well. This year I think it is far too late. I would trap more of the pests in rather than keep them out! Brilliant idea!

  • A Historical win for Wiggins today and of course Cavendish from the Isle of Man. Looking forward to the Olympics now

  • Your vegetable garden looks wonderful.

  • What a WONDERFUL vegetable garden you have, Michel!! A massive job for all of you in maintaining it, but well worth it for the produce. Great photos, and I feel like stepping into the images to walk around your garden. :goodjob:

    Sorry I've not been able to visit lately! :( I've had to access Xanga via Google Chrome, as Internet Explorer kept kicking me off line every time I try to visit.

  • I was just thinking of you and decided to stop by and see how you were doing. It's nice to see you and Janine looking so well! What a beautiful garden you have!

  • Sorry, it has taken me so long to get to your post. Thank you for the pictoral experiences on gardening. Thank you also for the Happy 4th of July wish. As I noted in one answer to my Independence Day post quiz, France was involved in helping the Colonies in the fight for independence. They had military support as France provided many weapons needed & also from Marquis de Layfayette with his military experience.  ~~Blessings & Cheers

  • Ty so very much for your recent comments Michel and hope you and the family are well and being blessed (:

  • RYC: Merci pour les souhaits d'anniversaire. Pour les résultats du scan et de la biopsie antérieure, ce ne sera que le 31 août. Lors du même voyage, j'ai aussi visité St-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume et la crypte de sa basilique contenant des reliques (présumées) de Marie Madeleine. Bel endroit, comme toute la Provence d'ailleurs. Très vieux avec beaucoup de rues très étroites aussi. J'oserais même dire 'vieux comme Hérode' sans compter que dans ce cas-ci, c'est exactement cela!

  • Years ago we lived in the country and a farm a few miles away grew lots of veggies like you do. We ate fresh vegetables all summer for years until they sold the farm. Now even the Vegetable stands have only a little to choose from. My hubby grew up poor and had to garden until he left home, he does not like it... :jealous: I grew up in a large city and would have to be taught! I can grow any perennial garden but food is a different story. :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :wave: :sunny:

  • Good to see you  back my friend. Our sons surgery is tomorrow--so we are hoping it will go good !!. Husband is enjoying his retirement so far --but I know he will get bored !  Thank you for asking about my family. Hope you and yours are doing well

  • Your gardens are beautiful! Thank you for sharing.
    Blessings, Christie

  • RYC:  This is why I love the algae! =)

  • Now, I see I am number 101! I have to say this is veil gardening...I will need some of those around my house to keep the mosquitos away. Good to see everything thriving this way, Michel. In Dallas, everything is brown and shriveled. Janine digging under the cherry tree is a comforting sight. :littlekiss: Much Love, Lowie

  •  I wonder if veils would keep Margie from eating our tomatoes.

  • Bonjour! Thank you for your thoughtful comment. It's almost like a cultural and spiritual war here in our nation. "If you don't believe in something, you won't believe in nothing...you will believe in anything" Too many do not know scripture and out of political correctness and wanting to please people, they are afraid to say anything. What they don't realize is that there is a very active campaign in the churches and in the government to say it's ok for other than traditional marriages...to say it's legal. If that happens then if a pastor, a priest or a rabbi refuses to marry a non-tradiional union, they could be put in jail. God has given us commandments , not because he wants to curtail our freedom but because God knows what is healthy and what brings true happiness.

    If you stand up for Biblical truths, you are mocked and called names. Most people do not know what is in scripture ...and they fall for what others want them to believe instead of studying for themselves. Jesus said that "Straight is the way and narrow is the gate and few there be that find it."

  • Michel, how are you and Janine doing? I hope good. I just noticed that it's been a month since you've posted and just wanted to check on ya, friend. (Hugs) for both you and Janine and give her my love.


  • I was noticing you've been gone for a while, but I think I've been away for almost as long, myself. You have a wonderful garden and it's really nice that your granddaughter can share in the experience of gardening with you all. I hope you have a good summer.

  • Thank-you Michel for the good wishes for summer! It's hard to believe it's almost over. I hope too, that they don't make us old folks learn the hard way to post. I would miss you if you shut the door! Have a wonderful week!

  • i thought i commented before but i didn't see a comment from me!well done, michel! :goodjob:that's impressive and lots of hard work. i'm so glad to see you so physically active and always doing something!have to make sure you stay fit! :yes: btw, we can see the olympics on line with http://www.bbc.co.uk so that's been a blessing! i wanted to say hi and hope you are having a lovely time lately! ok must go to bed. too late! g'nite! :sleepy:angela

  • oh i saw my comment before. haha oh well :lol: bonne nuit!

  • That is a beautiful garden! I love the white lily guard, I hope she did her job well!

  • I understand the "rest" part very well, Michel! I would love a break, but right now the hours of work are helping and I am keeping up the best I can. I would love to fly across the pond and visit with everyone. What a joy that would be! Raining here today, and very dark, but my spirit is good! Hugs to you and Janine!

  • How do the lilies protect the garden?

  • We've had better results in our garden also when we use the row covers. Especially with our broccoli. We have the white moths that lay little brown/black eggs that turn into green worms if we don't protect the plants.

    I've had to buy from the farmers this year since I didn't get much of a garden planted. Thanks okay ~ I like to see them in business :)

    Good to see you back on Xanga!

  • Your garden looks beautiful, and Manon has grown so much! Hope you are well and happy.


  • The results of that beautiful garden are good health and great eating of the freshest vegetables found. You are both so wise. :yes: :goodjob:

    You must be on vacation and I hope you are relaxing someplace wonderful.

    Here in Nashville the weather until today has been frightful. Very hot and when it rains it comes with hail and so much lightning. I am ready for Fall. We have had two days of cooler weather and it is amazing what that does for the spirit.

    Otherwise..pensive..me...probably at the gun laws, politicians and weather. Otherwise I am good.

    Hugs to you and yours and keep up the great work! :heartbeat:

    Love, Brenda

    - I have already started extra storage for food for the winter. I expect the prices will be harder for this whole world except for people like yourself who have gardened and are prepared. As for the guns...it is unbelievable that money is all that counts in this country and not humanity. I will not get up on a soap box but yes I am madder than a hatter over guns and politics lately hahahaha It is sad that we have slipped so far. You live in a much safer and saner country than we do. When you let society slip this far the worst is to be expected, people become paranoid and this is what we have now.

  • I always have enjoyed your gardening posts. :)

  • I am back to where I left off! :) I just read through all of your posts from now until July 2012. I remember reading about the twins, so I must have read a little later.

    Congratulations on the birth of your twin grandchildren. They are adorable. It is good to see your son and his older children so happy in life.

    Happy belated 80th birthday! You are so full of life, I wouldn't have guessed your age.

    I am jealous that you get to live in France. I love your adventures. Your land is so rich in history.

    Good luck with your garden this year. We had a bad winter, too. It was so bad that I traded in my fancy luxury car (a Lincoln MKZ) and I bought a red 2013 Jeep Compass with 4x4 to help me get to work at the hospital. It is more practical.

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