November 4, 2006

  • Le moulin de Daudet

    Daudet 's mill

           English version below the second picture


    Quand nous étions en Provence nous avons visité le moulin d ' Alphonse Daudet . C ' était un écrivain français amoureux des paysages , des usages , des gens et des histoires de Provence . Ce moulin qui était à moitié ruiné en ce temps était pour lui une source d ' inspiration . Il écrivit de courtes histoires provençales rassemblées dans un livre , " les lettres de mon moulin " publié en 1866 .

    Et parmi elles " la chèvre de Monsieur Seguin " . Tous les Français connaissent ou ont connu cette histoire et nous avions même à en apprendre des extraits par cœur . Le style est si beau . En voici un résumé :

    Mr Seguin n ' avait pas de chance avec ses chèvres qui s ' enfuyaient toujours dans la montagne voisine et étaient régulièrement dévorées par le loup .( voir la photo des Alpilles en bas de ce blog ) . Il acheta donc une jeune chèvre blanche qu 'il appela Blanquette . Il en pris beaucoup de soins en espérant qu ' elle se plairait avec lui dans son magnifique pré . Il l ' attacha à un peix avec une très logue corde pour qu ' elle se sente libre . Au début tout alla bien et Mr Seguin était heureux .

    Mais bientôt comme les précédentes chèvres elle se sentit désemparée en entendant l ' appel de la montagne et de la vraie liberté . " Laisse - moi aller dans la montagne " disait - elle . " Jamais , tu serais dévorée par le loup " répondit - il et il la plaça dans une étable et ferma la porte

    Mais il oublia la fenêtre et la chèvre s ' enfuit dans la montagne en passant par la fenêtre . Elle y goûta une journée de paradis , ivre de paysages , d ' herbes nouvelles , de senteurs des fleurs sauvages , des frais torrents . Elle sautait en tous sens , rencontra des chamois qui l ' accueillirent amicalement
    Mais soudain l ' ombre du crépuscule arriva . Les choses changèrent . Elle entendait Monsieur Seguin l ' appeler avec sa corne .. retournerait - elle à son ancienne vie ? Non . Elle resterait dans la montagne , libre .

    Et le loup arriva . La brave chèvre se battit toute la nuit contre lui avec ses cornes .Dix fois au moins le loup dut reculer . Blanquette souhaitait mourir seulement à l ' aurore comme la précédente chèvre qui avait résisté toute la nuit . Quand les étoiles s ' éteignirent et l ' aurore arriva la petite chèvre blanche , blessée et tachée de son sang s ' étendit dans l ' herbe . Le loup fonça sur elle et la mangea .

    Alphonse Daudet a écrit ceci en pensant à un jeune poète qui avait choisi d' écrire des poèmes librement mais dans la précarité au lieu de prendre un bon travail dans un grand journal à Paris  .

    Quelquefois nous pouvons avoir des choix de ce genre .

    Moulin Daudet
    Le moulin d 'Alphonse Daudet
    Alphonse Daudet ' s mill . Photo MFauquet June 06


    lettres moulin
    Le livre ( the book )  Les Lettres de mon Moulin
                                       Letters from my mill .


       When we were in Provence we visited Alphonse Daudet ' s mill ..He was a French writer , lover of landscapes , uses , people and stories of Provence ( Southern France ) . This mill was half ruined at this time but it was for him a source of inspiration . He wrote short stories of Provence gathered in book titled " Letttres de mon moulin " ( letters from my mill ) published in 1866 .

        And among them " la chèvre de Monsieur Seguin " ( Monsieur Seguin ' s goat ) . All the Frenchs know or knew this story and even we had to learn by heart some excerpts of it . The style is so beaurtiful . Here is a summary :     

          Mr Seguin was not lucky with his goats that always ran away in the mountains no far and were regularly devoured by the wolf .( see a picture of the Alpilles ranges below ) . So he bought a young white goat that he named Blanquette . He cared her in hoping she was pleased with him in the beautiful meadow . He attached her to a post with a very long rope in order she felt like free .At the beginning all was well and Mr Seguin was happy . But soon like the former goats she fell in distress at hearing the appeal of the mountains and real freedom . " Let me go into the mountains " she told him . " Noway , you will be eaten by the wolf " he replied and he put her in a stable and shut the door .

        But he forgot the window and the goat ran away in the mountain through the window . She tasted a day in paradise , drunk with the landscapes , the new grass , the scents of wild flowers , the fresh torrents . She jumped in all directions , met  friendly chamois that welcomed her .

      But suddenly the dark of the twilight happened . All of things changed . She heard Mr Seguin call her with a horn . Will she return to her ancient life ? No . She will remain in the mountains , free .

      And the wolf came on . The brave goat fought against him all night with her horns . 10 times at least the wolf had to retreat . Blanquette wanted to die only at the dawn like the previous goat that had resisted all night . And when the stars extinguished and the dawn was there , the wounded little white goat , stained with her blood stretched .on the grass . The wolf pounced and ate her .

       Alphonse Daudet wrote this in thinking of a young poet who chose to write poems freely but in the precariousness rather than to have a good job in a great newspaper in Paris .

    Sometimes we may have choices like that , hopefully less severe !

    Les Alpilles
    Alpilles Ranges in Provence with the village of Baux - en - Provence and castle ruins .


     Our daughter - in - law still is on the wait for surgery . Thanks for your comments , thoughts and prayers .
    Notre belle - fille est toujours dans l ' attente de son opération . Merci pour vos commentaires , pensées et prières .

Comments (123)

  • I love watching windmills. I was watching a show the other night about buying houses in Provence and I thought of your holiday blogs. Its a place lots of Brits like to go and settle in and now I can see why.

    Of course I am sending best wishes and prayers for your DIL. My MIL has had her operation now and is at home recovering before having a course of radiotherphy

  • I get to be first as well so that has made my night

  • And I'm keeping it in the family as I'm second   That was a sad little story but reminds me of life - we don't always take the safe path and then have to accept the consequences. People have hobbies ( pot-holing, mountain climbing etc. )which are dangerous but they enjoy the sense of freedom and excitement. I am praying for your DIL and the family. Marie

  • What an interesting and sad story.  But I see what he was trying to say about our choices.  Very interesting! 

  • What a sad little story but so true. You do have to be wise on the choices you make. Take care my friend and please keep us informed on your daughter-in-law.

  • That's a very cute story....I'd never heard it before.  I'm continuing my good thoughts and prayers for your daughter-in-law. 

  • In living life, are we not all forced to choose whether to risk it for our dreams or to live with stability? The strange thing is life oftentimes isn't so clear-cut: not always black and white?

    Prayers for your daughter-in-law!

  • We just have windmills here in the south where it looks liks like Europe and is colder. I hope to show them here someday.

    And I'm still praying for your daughter-in-law and for all your family, Michel.

    Em amizade,

  • prayers for your daughter in law, Michel.  I hope all goes well.

  • You daughter-in-law will be in my prayers.

  • All best wishes for your daughter's speedy recovery.

    One of my favorite pieces of music is the orchestral tone poem Don Quixote by Richard Strauss. He depicts the fight with the windmills very effectively

  • Very beautiful photo!

    Hope your daughter inlaw recovers quickly.

  • Neat story. Neat windmill. Still praying for your daughter-in-law.

  • What a sad story about the poor little goat did taste freedom and that was very good.  Freedom has it's price.  I believe that is a lesson to be learned.  I could go on about that applying it to the "wolves" who would like to destroy us and sometimes we must lose some of our freedoms in order not to lose everything.  ...It's naive to not face that reality....I hate war but...sometimes the "wolves" won't be "talked" into leaving freedom loving people alone.

    The time is coming so close for your DIL's surgury.  I am praying for her and for those who will be caring for her.



  • very nice photos... and the story is a sad one.
    I love windmills.

    I hope all goes well for your daughter in law. What a stressful time for all of you.
    I am praying for her and for her doctors to have wisdom to heal her.

    Blessings to all of you, Michel.


  • Xanga offers the opportunity to have the world praying for your daughter-in-law. She is in my prayers, too, as is your family. People who chose to live by the pen usually make the world a better place. I have never seen windmills in France, but I have seen many in Spain.

  • Such beautiful prose and photographs.

  • I wonder if Mr. Seguin represents how God feels when we run away from Him to what we think will be freedom. Well, it's a beautiful story, if a sad one. I'm glad you had to memorize some of the story in school. I feel that memorizing stories and poems is a way of putting furnishings in your mind.
    When I was in school, we didn't have to memorize anything, except Lincoln's Gettysburg Address (and oh, it is so easy to botch that one up!). But in our last year of high school, we came upon a teacher whose son had been in a German prison camp during WWII. She said he and his fellow prisoners kept sanity by reciting poetry they had learned in school, and teaching it to each other. She made us memorize many poems. We told her we wouldn't need to learn all that, because we wouldn't be going to prison camps, and of course she told us no one knows what will happen in the future. And she made us memorize some more.
    When I was a teacher, I asked my students to memorize poetry too. I wonder if any of them remember the poems later. I hope they were helped by them, like I was.
    Prayers for your daughter-in-law. Medical procedures can work wonders these days. I hope they keep improving, and that the dear girl has many happy years ahead with her family.
    Blessings to all of you.

  • Love the picture of the windmill. I wonder why it stirs such inspiration in poets and novelists? I bet it was a very nice visit to such a place. It makes us whimsical and melonchally but we enjoy it. Maybe it is the wind in our hair and on our face that makes us think of flying above our challenges, escaping into a fairy tale or becoming someone in a fantasy. Oh, well. It's part of our uniqueness called being human.  :)   Prayers to you and your family.  Blessings, kc

  • We all have to be wise in our choices. Prayers for D.I. L. continue. Judi

  • You and your lovely wife go on so many fun and interesting trips. Thank you for the history lesson. Your daughter-inlaw is in my prayers.

  • I think after reading your story that I shall continue to care dearly for my three goatie girls gruff and our twin babies.  We cherish our little goats and they show us extreme love in return.  We cannot go from the house without them calling to us.  Our mother goat, Muriel, has gone from making the normal sounds of a goat to calling me "Moooom" each time she sees me.  Her sweet babies, Adelaide and Horace (characters from a favorite book series), are the dearest little creatures.  When I look at my sweet goats I always think of how good God is to us.  I sometimes think He created these little creatures just for me.

    I pray that your family is well and that you DIL will find healing and a sincere peace that only God can bring.

    Much love to my friends in France,


  • We did read too the story of the goat and I remmeber being impressed by his moral. It was something new for me, why she would fight if she had no chance of winning, she would just make her suffering longer.
    But them I thought that story was not so much about a goat but about people and that we naver must given up, our task is to fight for what we believe even if our adversary is someone very strong and we no hope.
    Thanks for remembering this, it is a question of faith.
    The alpille must be a wonderful place. I hope one dai I will be able to visite the Provence.
    We keep praying for your daughter in law and for all her family.

    Have a good sunday


  • Your DIL is in my prayers my friend.  A very good story sometimes we face death to enjoy the freedom like war's that bring death so others can have the freedom.  War is bad and should be avoided if possible but sometimes it can't be.  We are not meant to be confinded or placed under a lock and key our spirits want to wander and enjoy all God created.  I pray for your DIL that she gets her surgery very soon.  I know your heart is filled with worry.  We are with you my friend in spirit and prayers, we are here for you.  Shirley

  • Really lovely post as usual, Michel. You always seem to "hit the nail on the head" with your writing, no matter what topic.

    My very best wishes for your DIL's surgery. I hope she has a full recovery.

  • You're welcome.. We're still here to support your daughter in law.. :)

  • I remembered that story from my own childhood, Michel. A good lesson, no?

    Your daughter-in-law and family remains in my prayers.

  • Still praying for your daughter-in-law.  I hope her wait for surgery is over soon.

  • Hope things will turn out fine for your daughter-in-law. She is in my thoughts and prayers.

    Thank you so much for sharing your blogs in English, too.. Xanga is much richer for your English blogs, too. Thanks for doing that!


  • Chaque fois que je vois des moulins à vent, je pense à petits enfants néerlandais portant des chaussures de bois. Et tulipes. Beaucoup de tulipes.

    Beaucoup de pensées de l'amour à vous, mon ami.

  • Loving the Photo's and the History!
    Thinking of you! Praying for you all!

  • Thanks for the story. Better to live a short, exciting life, than a long boring one, eh?

  • Sometimes it is better to die in freedom, then to be locked away in your mind or in a physical place.  Sometimes it is better to stay put and know that things are "safe".  I wonder if that tells God that we don't trust Him?  Hmmm?  Continued thoughts and prayers for you and the family.  Love, Rachel

  • How beautiful!

    I wish they had a version in english. Is it possible there is?
    I loved it! Really I honestly do. what a perfectly tremendously sad, and delicate story.
    But the goat got to be free for a little while in the end. Was it worth it?

  • what a beautiful windmill!  such a sad story...but most of our fairy tales in America are too....I wonder why?

    still praying for your DIL and you and Janine also...God bless you all(((HUGS)))

  • A very interesting story, I wish that I could write like that. It makes one think of how precious our freedom can be.

    I am praying that your DIL will soon have the surgery over with, then be on her way to good health again. The worse part always seems to be the waiting and not knowing what is ahead. I know how hard it is to watch a loved one go through something like this. My thoughts are with you and your family.

    Love, Edie Rose

  • I am so very fond of windmills and I really like this one. That was a very good story also. Thank you for sharing. I am praying for your DIL and your family as well dear friend. I think of all of you often. Take Care.


  • What a story. So sad she died, but at least she died free.

  • quelle histoire intéressante...  thanks so much for sharing. 

    this famous English phrase comes to mind, "we seal our fate with the choices we make".  i'm just not sure how to translate that in french.

    my prayers and well-wishing to your daughter-in-law, Michel. 

  • Please keep us posted on your daugther-in-love!  Reading your comments...I wonder if she realizes how many of us are praying for her?  It truly is a wonderful thing to see Michel the support you have here on xanga.  We have all grown to love you and your wonderful stories and pictures.

    Our love to you and your family!

    xoxo Cat

  • we all become who we are with the choises we make. we cant blame another soul. wonderful photos and the story of the goat was wonderful and sad. we all want to be drunk with freedom, but after dark our freedom seems less appetizing. a wonderful blod, as always. thank you.

  • Sorry that your daughter in law has to wait for a surgery. In the US there is a waiting list for different types of parts for transplants. Eventually there will be some that die before a transplant will be available. I hope this is not the situation for your daughter in law.

    Ah yes to taste various excitements. I tasted the exciting life of drug use and hopefully all the negative experiences will keep me from returning to that life. In real life we have a memory of what it is to live, fortunately our better judgement kicks in and keeps us away from danger.

  • Sorry that your daughter in law has to wait for a surgery. In the US there is a waiting list for different types of parts for transplants. Eventually there will be some that die before a transplant will be available. I hope this is not the situation for your daughter in law.

    Ah yes to taste various excitements. I tasted the exciting life of drug use and hopefully all the negative experiences will keep me from returning to that life. In real life we have a memory of what it is to live, fortunately our better judgement kicks in and keeps us away from danger.

  • I wanted to stop by and say thank you so much for your prayers and your lovely comment.

    Big Hugs

  • i love to see different parts of france in your blog!!! sad story. i am reading a new book called autobiography of a geisha and i was reading last night the part where the geisha is making up a story to tell the kids on the street. at least her story turned out with a nice ending unlike that one! :( i will continue to keep her in my prayers then. god bless you and your family!! love angela ps tell me how can i also do the heart icon in my comments???? i'm not so clever that way. hehehe

  • My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family and that of your daughter in law and her family as well.  I thoroughly enjoyed the story.  I love the pictures.  May God bless you and all of yours with this impending surgery and all the worry that goes with it all.  Please take care and try not to worry too much! ! !   I know you will worry, we all do in these situations.  May God bring her to a surgeons soon and make her well, and may he guide ths surgeous hand and keep it steady.  Love and hugs to you and Janine! ! ! !  May you and all yours sleep with the angels and wake up fully rested and healthy and read for a brand new day! ! ! ! !  Take care ! ! !

  • This is what Xanga is all about ----Friends from around the globe sharing stories

    A truly wonderful story of the white goat  We are indebted to you Michel.     Ron

  • I hope everything goes well with you and the rest of your family.

  • Amazingly beautiful photos as always. Your posts always make me long to travel!

    I love the goat poem. Definitely can relate.

  • pour le noë...on mange les moulins du four ;)
    on a toujours des choix, je veux démenager à hawaii, lol
    courage à toi, michel

  • The chicken salad was delicous but maybe should call it

    vegetable salad as it had so many vegetables. Soup so good too. Judi

  • The story about the goat is kinda cool. I hope ur daughter-in-law feels better.

  • THANKS!!!
    I just started reading it. I don't know why I love it so much, but I do. Maybe because of the story's meaning. It's wonderful!!!
    My thoughts are with you and your daughter. <3

  • It is a good thing to remember, is it not?...of how Jesus carries us through our most difficult days.  Thank you for reminding me of this story, Michel. I still have not heard from Meredith. - Rachel

  • I have achieved to love and be loved just as I told my friend. Judi

  • Grand Merci Michel de me remémorer l'histoire de la chèvre de Monsieur Seguin. Impressionnante et dramatique sur la fin ...
    En fait, tout ce qui nous arrive dans la vie "ne" sont "que" des expériences, parfois très douloureuses, mais en tous temps nous ne risquons rien ... car Dieu, l'Amour est notre base éternelle !

    Rencontré ces quelques mots de grande sagesse hier sur un site internet :

    You are the endless sea
    In whom all the worlds like waves
    Naturally rise and fall.

    You have nothing to win,
    Nothing to lose.
    You are pure awareness,
    Nothing less.

    You and the world are one.

    So who are you to think
    You can hold on to it,
    Or let it go?

    How could you!

    -Ashtavakra Gita 15: 11-12

    Meilleurs voeux pour toute ta famille et votre belle-fille en particulier
    très cordialement

  • poor goat... i like the line'drunk wth landscapes...' have courage!!

  • Good story, but very sad. The mill looks like a nice place to visit too.

  • I have information on my site about getting our gardens ready for fall, if you interested.

  • I like the picture of the windmill! It's nice!
    I also like the story about the goat and making choices. It's a good point. I need to see if I can find that story in my local library so that I can read it to my children. They might see the good in it.
    I'm keeping your DIL in my thoughts and prayers, mon ami! I hope she has her surgery soon.



  • Such beautiful pictures, and an interesting story! Healing wishes for your daughter-in-law! Much love to you.

  • Merci de nous avoir mis à jour sur ta belle fille. J'espère qu'ils ne vont pas attendre longtemps, la rapidité parfois est résolutive. Le rappel dans la prière va continuer.
    Je connais bien les Lettres de Mon Moulin (j'en ai une édition en français, quelque part dans ma librairie), et l'histoire de Blanquette nous a fait pleurer beaucoup quand nous étions jeunes filles. Peut être parce que nous devions nous aussi l'étudier par coeur? ) Je connais aussi très bien Les Baux en Provence, mais ici il faudrait mieux pleurer lorsqu'on ne peut pas y aller...
    Ciao, merci d'avoir rappelé cette histoire, je te souhaite un très bon mois de Novembre.

  • Just wondering if this story was coincidence to my running away and getting eaten by the bear? *grins and hugs*


    *hugs to you and your family always*

  • As I have not read Monsieur Seguin' s Goat I was reminded of Don Quixote! I will read it the next time i get to take a plane. Meanwhile, Good luck and Best wishes for your daughter-in-law's health

  • Isn't just about time for your DIL to have surgery? I forgot the date you said. Judi

  • Just checking to see if there is any news on your dil.  Love and hugs and many prayers ! ! ! ! !  Take care!  Sleep with the angels and wake up fully rested and ready for a bright new day full of hope and promise ! ! ! ! !

  • Better to be free just one day for that goat. Hope all goes well with the surgery.

  • I have a passion for these beautiful windmills. After a trip to the Netherlands, I've noticed that a few still exist, in spite of the monsters that have replaced them.

  • Juste un petit mot pour te dire que ce matin tôt j'ai cherché les Lettres de Mon Moulin parmi mes livres, et j'ai relu l'histoire de la chèvre de M. Seguin. Daudet est un écrivain merveilleux, et à la fin j'ai pleuré comme j'avais fait lorsque j'étais jeune fille.
    Curieux, peut être c'est l'âge qui avance, tu crois, n'est-ce pas?
    Un sourire, ciao.

  • my dear michel, thanks for coming! i love showing people what i've been doing here in beijing!! ;) ryc, i tried your directions and this is what comes up...

  • that's all!!! «v» so i was sad and meant to tell you but since hubby has the computer all the time for his work (hence i can't complain), i couldn't tell you!! :(

  • so please tell me what i'm doing wrong! i followed your directions, though.

  • Que de souvenirs cela me rappelle...

  • Hello, Michel, I was rooting for Blanquette, and wanted her to be free, but we never truly are free, are we?  There is always danger to watch out for.  The mill still stands, although it can be ruined, too.  In a way, the story reminds me of an Aesop's fable, thinking that all is well, when things are not as they seem.  I want you to know that I think of you and your family, I know you are very worried, but they have made such advances, that your lovely DIL can be well soon...with all our prayers...hugs, Lowie

  • I don't know where the dream came from it was most disturbing. Couldn't sleep after I had it

    for a long time. Was late for work this morning as I was up in the middle of the night. Judi

  • Prayers still being said for your beautiful daughter.  I still remember the picture you had on here of her reading to the children.  Know the waiting for the surgery is almost tougher than the surgery itself.

    The Apilles Range look very rugged.  Beautiul picture.  Daudet's writing reminds me of a cross between a fairy tale and perhaps one of Aesop's moral tales.

  • Hi, Michel!

    How are you?  I hope all is well.  Today is my day off, so I am going to try and catch up with my xanga friends. = )

    That is interesting about you sketching trains when you were a child.  I wish I could see.  I suppose you never saved

    any of your sketches?  I still have some drawings I did when I was a child, plus I have kept some that my children have

    done when they were little.  I love the pictures you posted.  Is the one a windmill?  It looks very, very old?  Have a

    wonderful day, today, Michel, and God Bless. 

    Love & Friendship,


  • Waiting so long for surgery must be very hard for your daughter in law. Judi

  • Many Americans are grateful that the Democrats now have power, in both the House and the Senate!! There was much celebration, as we have been oppressed by the Republican party, for way too long. Low-income people are as visible there as here?! Guess I hadn't thought about that, but now I realize. Love to you. Laurie

  • lovely story michele. very romantic about the worth of artistic endeavour and freedom!

    for nanowrimo you have to write not 500 but 1666.666666666666  words per day! actually, so far its not as hard as I thought it was gonig to be . . . the hard part IS ginding the time every single day to write though. good discipline at least. I must be like that poor like goat battling away with the wolf each day . . . .

    best wishes to all

  • Just checking back in to see if there is any word on your daughter-in-law's operation...

    During this time it is so hard to remember that all things are in God's timing and His precious and loving hands. 

    Still praying for you all...

    xoxo Cat

  • The letter from my soul is mine. The daily guru is an email I get daily I do not know who writes it

    does not say on the website. I like it too it has great wisdom. The

    dream I had was so strange perhaps it will continue it seem to come out of no where. Judi

  • Michel, Tell your daughter-in-law I am so sorry she has to wait like this. I will continue praying. Judi

  • That is a GREAT stone building.  I find windmills fascinating (I am possibly as fascinated as Don Quixote!)  The rendering on the front of the book is nice: soothing!  I said another prayer for your girl.  She is in God's hands.

    C'est un GRAND bâtiment en pierre. Je trouve la fascination de moulins à vent (je suis probablement en tant que fasciné comme Don Quioxote!) Le rendu sur l'avant du livre est gentil: apaiser! Je dit une autre prière pour votre fille. Elle est dans des mains de Dieu.

  • Such a bittersweet story but much with the times...ageless...freedom is always at a cost.  Prayers for you DIL that she will come through the surgery and be mended again.  It is so very difficult to have our children ill.  Love to you, Janine, and all of your family Nancy & Bruce

  • I see from your comment to Jassmine that your DIL will have her surgury Nov. 23.  That is the day we give Thanksgiving...Thanksgiving Day in the US is a big family holiday.  I will miss being with my family on that day....  I will certainly be remembering all of you on that day and pray that God will guide the hands of the surgeons.  I also pray for the days leading to that day.



  • my dear michel, my friend whose blog you saw told me how to do it! you told me it's alt gr then the {, but he told me it's shift + {, so i tried it and it worked!!!! ;)

  • Praying for your DIL. What a sad story, but it has much truth in it.


  • Such a long time for your DIL to have to wait and the family. Love to you, I continue to pray. Judi

  • That story is a very deep one.  I'm always in awe of the places that you visit, Michel.

    Saying a prayer for your daughter.



  • That is such a sad story, with such wisdom in it.  It seems to me that it would be an excellent story in include in books that children read at school here in the USA.  Not only would they read about the consequences of the choices we make, but they would also be exposed to some French literature.  In a literature class in college I read works by writers from many countries. Until then I had not thought about people in so many countries writing. I had read books by western writers (France, England, Scotland, Russia) and had a poor understanding of the contributions that have been made by so many writers in so many parts of the world.  Perhaps our world would not be so troubled, if children at a very young age were exposed to cultures that are quite different from their own. 

    I continue to pray for your daughter-in-law and your family.  May God comfort you and heal her completely. 

    As ever, Carol Suzanne

  • I voted Democratic, I sure hope that we will make a difference! I read a short something about the late-night Christmas Eve celebration in France-reill?? What is it called, and please tell more about it!
    , Laurie

  • Sorry not to be on for 3 days but with Angela arriving and lots to talk about pkus she took me sho[pping and wheeled me round in a wheelchair which saved my poor lrgs so I may me a bit lax over gher stay here we hope,to visit Matt tomorrow unless it is teeming down. Have fun and do not worry about me my bear Love Marjie

  • by unowho36 left the most beautiful comment thet ai would just have to agree with it  and I too will prar for your daughter (in law)

  • i'm just so excited to show you the heart now!! angela you have a great weekend, too!!! ;)

  • Bonjour Michel. I guess you have messages disabled. I wanted to ask how Marina is, if there's been surgery scheduled yet? She and the family remain in my prayers.

  • le moulin de don quixote :D

    l'histoire sur mon site est une histoire de Dean, un mec sur un autre site heh

  • I have been to bed every night this week by 8:30 that never happens for me.

     But I feel fine during the day just overly tired at night. Judi

  • That was a good story.  That little book looks so interesting.  There is a restaurant in St. Louis called "The Bevo Mill".  It is a large windmill, and has been in business a long long time.  There's a story about it here:

    It's not as historic as the one you write about, nor as pretty. 

    I will keep your daughter-in-law in my prayers.

  • Yes, I do like having my dinner tab picked up, I find it romantic!  Heaven knows, I've picked up many in my day!  Michel, thanks for visiting...I am working a bit today, and then having dinner with friends's beautiful here in Dallas today, crisp air all around...Hugs, Lowie

  • Hope your DIL is doing well. She is in my prayers.    Blessings, kc

  • Hello dear friend today is Veteran's Day remembering those who die for our freedoms. God Bless


  • oui, j'ai vraiment quitter xanga, mais je lis les entrees qqfois.

  • I am feeling much better glad I paid attention and went to bed early for a couple of nights. Judi

  • In it's way, it is a charming story. Beautifully simple!

  • best wishes! i hope everything goes well you're still in my thoughts!

  • This story is so touching! I feel a bit ashamed that I have chosen the path opposite of Alphonse Daudet and am regretting it. It is an eternal dilemma!
    I send your daughter-in-law my very best wishes for her operation! Tout ira bien, tu verra!

  • I am trying to be prudent Michel about my work but have no choices but to sell my house and

    move or work this much. Guess I better be thinking of selling the house. Judi

  • do you know, silly me, I read the whole thing in French, with a bit of trouble, only to scroll down and see it in English?? Oh mon dieu!!!  And today I am the chèvre Blanquette par je ne peux pas retourner a mon travaille, au petit "cubicle," I can only do the next thing.  I can't go back there.  I won't, and that's a choice that's made from the center of my being. 

  • the story is lovely, sad, wistful and moving. I continue prayers Mary Jane

  • "My dear Father in Heaven, please guide the hands of the doctors and grant them wisdom and alertness during the surgery. We pray for speedy healing over the wounds and that the cancer cells to be totally destroyed. During this difficult time, Father I pray that Your love with bind the husband and wife more closely. I pray that in any moments of fear and anxiety, they will look to You and pray, and allow Your Holy Spirit to comfort their souls. May You be glorified even during a time such as this. I pray to for Michel too, that he will be a blessing to them and the children in whatever capacity. In Jesus' name, Amen."

  • I will say prayers for your daughter-in-law Michel.

  • My family cannot help with money. I can move in with my daughters if I like I may move to Seattle

    with my youngest daughter but until I can't stay here anymore I will stay. I am grateful each

    day I have in my home. I love my home. God is mighty I do not worry. Judi

  • thank you for your wishes! If you would like to send me a picture, I would love to add it to the collage!

  • Mon cher nouvel ami   now I know why I took douze ans de leçons en français.  Je vais peintre encore aujourd'hui.  But now I am organizing my home.  I am going to have an endoscopy on Wednesday to make sure that the beating my throat took has not become pre-cancerous.  I am probably better off staying away from doctors heh heh heh

  • What a brave goat.  I wish your family well.

  • I hope that your DIL has had her surgery and is on her way to recovery. I notice that you have not updated for a while, so hope your family is doing alright. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


    Edie Rose

  • Hi again, my name is Rita :)
    unfortunately I cannot use your profile picture because it's too small... if you'd like to send me one via e-mail it's
    if not, it's OK too :)

    take care! I hope your DIL is doing alright!

  • Thoughts of your family this morning -g

  • I found your intersting site through Sweet Sassa Frassy and Gail the Painterly. Thank you for sharing your life and I will be praying for Marina also.

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