October 3, 2006

  • Le roi taureau.
    The king  Bull


    English version after the French texts


       Voici un reportage photo d 'un jeu traditionnel provençal  que nous avons vu peandant notre séjour en Provence en Juin dernier . Ce jeu est axé autour du taureau mais celui - ci n ' est jamais tué . Cela s ' appelle la course à la cocarde et chaque jeu dure un quart d 'heure par taureau

      Here is a photographic report of a Provencal ' s tradional game that we saw during our stay in Provence ( South france ) last June . It is called " course à la cocarde " that may be translated as race to the ribbon . This game involves a bull but this last never is killed . Every play lasts 1/4 of hour by bull .



      Le taureau entre dans l ' arêne plein d ' énergie et porte deux rubans liés à chacune de ses cornes . Une équipe de gardians l ' attend et attire son attention pendant que l ' un d ' eux essaie de voler un ruban . Pas facile !

      The bull enters the amphitheater full of energy and 2 ribbons are tied at each of his horns .A team of gardians ( Provencal cow boys ) is waiting for him and attracts his attention while one of them tries to rob a ribbon . Not easy !




     Le taureau est malin et attaque par surprise . Panique chez les gardians qui s ' enfuient et sautent au dessus de la barrière rouge pour éviter les cornes . Il y a quelquefois quelques blessures .Quand le taureau réagit bien une musique est jouée en son honneur .A la fin du quart d ' heure si le taureau a sauvé ses deux rubans il a droit à une musique triomphale ( extraite de " Carmen" de Bizet ) . Et quand les gardians ont réussi à lui prendre un ou deux rubans ce sont eux qui sont félicités .

       The bull is mischievous and attacks by surprise . Panic for the gardians who run away and jump above the red fence to avoid the horns . Sometimes there are some wounds . When the bull reacts well a music is played for him . And at the end of the 1/4 hour if he has kept his 2 ribbons he comes out of the arena accompanied by a triumphal music ( excerpt of Carmen by the French composer Bizet ) . When the gardians succeed to catch a ribbon they also are greeted .



     Des dames en tenue traditionnelle remettent un bouquet d ' honneur aux éleveurs de ces taureaux , à la fin des jeux .

     Ladies wearing tradional dresses give a bouquet to the bull  breeders to honor them at the end of the games


    cocarde 08

      A la fin des jeux chaque taureau est escorté juqu ' à son van par des gardians chevauchant des superbes  chevaus de Camargue  . Tel un roi .

     At the end of the games each bull , such a king ,  is escorted to his van by gardians riding superb  horses of Camargue ( a special race of horses bred in the area of the river Rhone's  delta )  .



     Nous avons remarqué que sur les affiches annonçant les jeux , les noms des vedettes  indiqués étaient ceux des taureaux .Les héros sont ici les taureaux .
    Chaque région a ses coûtumes et ce que je rapporte ici doit remonter à il y a bien logtemps

    We have noticed on the advertisements announcing the games the names of the stars were the bulls ' ones .Bulls here are the heros . 
     Every area has its costums and what I report here must come from a very ancient time .



Comments (182)

  • Watching that would make me a nervous wreck!  It's very interesting though!

  • je suis chez mes parents!!!

    2 semaines de repos!! douce France......


  • Oh my goodness. If I had been there watching this I would have pass out. That loook so dangerous and hurtfull. NICE PICTURES THOUGH

  • what an amazing sight to behold! i don't believe you could see anything like this in the states...
    and the white horses are beautiful!

  • WOW!!! blessings Michel.... my potatoes are all dug and the tomatoes all picked, but not canned.  :) .melinda

  • not a sport for the weak of heart, is it?  You take the most fascinating trips

  • Very interesting pictures!

  • Very interesting indeed.

  • C'est trop cool! Je voudrais bien y assister un jour! Tu fais toujours plein de choses hyper intéressantes!

  • This is so interesting.  I like this version of "bullfighting" so much better than the Spanish way, where the bull is truly tortured before being killed.  I would enjoy seeing this kind.  Must have been great fun to watch!!

  • Perhaps the bull would like to make a romantic promenade with a nice cow instead of the Bizet music.
    I bet the spanish bulls are queing up at the French border to get a green card.

    it is a nice show, very original and not cruel. I bet you enjoyed it.



  • This looks very neat. I am glad to know that they do not kill the bull!



  • I would like the see that sort of bull " fight " where the bull is the king/hero. Your photos are fantastic Michel, they show the action very clearly esp of the gardians leaping the fence. I hope your DIL is not very ill and will keep her in my prayers. Marie PS did you celebrate your saints day ????

  • Good thing you don't live in Columbia. Great photos...

  • that is so cool!  course you wouldn't catch me in that ring! LOL

    Take care Michel...God bless you and Janine((HUGS))

  • These ancient events really tie the past and present together. Fascinating.

  • That's good that they don't kill the bulls. And nice that the bulls are the heros. I've never been able to understand what could make a man want to stand in front of a charging bull--doesn't sound like fun to me!

  • Definitely a more "humane" game than the Spanish style bull fight. Thanks for sharing this intriguing look into a part of Provencal culture I had no idea existed.

  • wow, interesting and scary too

  • Interesting pictures. How many languages do you speak?

  • Hi Michel:  A very interesting blog.  I wouldn't want to play games with that bull, I can't run that fast   I'm glad to know they don't harm the bull.  You have such intereting travels.  Shirley

  • is that you in the profile pic

  • Ca fleure bon le Midi tout ça .Merci Michel

  • ok, now that doesn't look like a fun thing to watch, if you ask me.  I'm sure all the men enjoy it though.  lol

    have a great day, Michel.


  • Bullfighting is a terrible sport but I'm glad these bulls aren't killed. Why do men have to prove themselves so much?

  • I LOVE THIS!  When I was in Spain, I was literally heartsick at the sounds of the dying bull, and had to leave the stadium....this showcases the fierce quality of the bull, and the dance of bull vs. man, without the extreme gore...thank you for the pictures...where's my tea?  *smile*

  • Tres interessant, monsieur!

  • I'd never heard of this before! And what magnificent grey horses those are. It would be difficult indeed to take those ribbons from the bull's horns. At least with this, the bull is not killed at the end. I find Spanish bull fighting really horrific, and don't understand how so many people can view this as "entertainment". It's so barbaric. This activity with the bull looks like fun to watch! I like the traditions and music at the conclusion. The people in traditional dress and presenting the breeders of the triumphant bull with a bouquet look terrific!

  • I have never heard of this tradition.  I think it sounds like a lot of fun,as long as no one gets hurt badly.  Looking at those horns, though, it certainlt looks dangerous to me!

    The horses are beautiful, and I love the way you have caught them in action, with manes & tails flowing!

  • The pics are very interesting.We do not have  bull fights here, we have the cowboys trying to ride the bulls.....crzay!

  • I do not know how I would react to this sport.  I have never even been to a rodeo, let alone a bull fight. It always sounds so adventurous. -R

  • omigosh!  what awesome pictures.  i'm easily scared of big animals.  i usually stay away from them.  and these pictures of yours are the reasons why.

  • Didn't the minoan civilization use to jump over the horns of the bulls? Obviously there is some worship of the power of bulls. Instead of killing the bulls the bulls are recycled and allowed to live.

    One famous karate man was supposed to kill a bull bare handed. His method was a chop to the head of the bull. However I have not heard of anyone doing that recently.

    I don't know if someone translates for you, but the translations seem very good. Well time for me to eat some pears.....

  • Looks interesting!

  • Silly people in the ring with a bull AND its horns, LOL! Glad you enjoyed watching (I would be afraid!)

  • Nice pictures but scary. Judi

  • interessant.

  • wow that is neat. it's like a non violent bull fight. I don't like bull fights, I think it's too cruel!

  • now THAT is some excitement!!!!! that would be a feast for the eyes to watch. how cooooool! i must see this before i die. great commentary and photographs, m. as always, you inspire me to go places!

  • Its good that the bulls are not killed in France and that they are treasured for the beautiful beasts they are. Most of been exciting to watch and be at the bull ring

  • I LOVE this! The bulls are truly heroes!
    Thank you for sharing this - I had always distressed
    over bull 'fighting' ... this is much more pleasant and fun to


  • I think I would be very nervous if I saw a bull charging at a human. Those horses look beautiful though.

  • Very interesting!

  • That is so very fascinating.!  I have heard of the "running of the bulls" that happens in Spain.but never this.  I really enjoy this.  It seems as if the bulls are having fun also.  I really like the idea that the bulls are rewarded with nice music.  And now, I have learned about the horses of Camarque.   "chevaus de Camarque" 

    I love reading and learning in French.  When I try to speak a little clumsy French, I'm very very slow.  You French speak way too rapidly for me.

    Merci, mon ami


  • Your pictures are wonderful! What a handsome bull! Like the guardians, he looks very young.
    It's interesting to wonder how such an exciting tradition got started. I imagine someone saw a bullfight in Spain and liked it, right up til they started sticking the bull and killing it. So this person thought of another way to have the excitement, without the bloodshed.
    We have rodeos here, which are much different, and probably don't come from such a long tradition. Though they claim that bull riding began in ancient Greece. I would love to see your pictures at a rodeo! I think you would like the small-town events, where the cowboys live and work, better than the big glitzy ones.
    Thanks again for showing us the heart of your country!

  • I just read some of the comments(I enjoy reading what others have to say) and...I see that your DIL is ill.?  I hope she is doing ok now.

  • Oley   or should it be Bravo   One of the most inspiring writings I have read for a long time.   I have seen this on Television and it must take real courage and skill to evade the bull's horns.  All good fun as no one gets hurt often   Ron     

  • I'm glad that they cheer for the bull as well. Its more fair that way. :)

    RYC: No, I don't homeschool. I want to, but my husband wants our oldest to go to public school. I submit to his wishes. Every state here (USA) has different rules about homeschooling. Some families teach their children from the earliest grades all the way through till the end of highschool (and even into college).

    Have a blessed day

  • TOP TEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    10. Le roi taureau. The king Bull English version after the Fren...
    Total eProps: 68 | Total Comments: 36
    Posted by fauquet - 10/3/2006 at 6:20 PM

  • well done post...

  • 9. Le roi taureau. The king Bull English version after the Fren...
    Total eProps: 80 | Total Comments: 42
    Posted by fauquet - 10/3/2006 at 6:20 PM

    #9 on Featured Content Now!!!!!!!!!

  • THanks so much. How is it going with u?

  • PASTIS ;bien sur....



  • "Raging Bull" est un bon film.

  • It is good to see the bulls not hurt at all, Michel!!!

    oh...........hello, by the way...........grin

    What an interesting game...........and no doubt steeped in tradition!!!

    WOW.........I'd love to see that!!!

    I shall have to pen Provencal into my imaginery world tour to see my xanga friends..........wink.

    Be blessed dear sir............greet your wife for me please.

    Love from your aussie sis'

    Narelle (0=`~

  • That's cool.  I've heard of bull fights before, but never anything quite like that.

  • Well today I blogged on Mas Oyama the bull killer. Sometimes there are strange things occuring...

  • I am so glad the bulls are not injured.   It sounds exciting.

  • wow...so much excitement and energy in your pictures. a timeless scene that plays over and over in many places. it shows the need for man to battle with strong beings. sometimes we win and sometimes they do. thanks for sharing.

  • Whew! I was worried that you would be showing the gorier pictures of Spanish bulls! Thank you for telling us about this interesting sport.

  • the horses are gorgeous!

  • Hello sweety hope all is well sorry it's been so long since I stop by . Even though I haven't visited my xanga family has been in my thoughts. God Bless


  • that is coool but soooo crazy, those people! i could never do that or have my hubby do that! but that is so interesting that you went to see this!!! ;) have a great week and i always look forward to your blogs!!! love, ange

  • Im so glad they dont kill the bull. This bull fight i could watch easily

  • fascinating. I'd never heard of this kind of event. Thank you for sharing your journies.

  • Traditions are very important.  They give one a sense of belonging to a tribe.  We have few such traditions here that are historical.  Most our holidays have become money mad!  Love to you and Janine from Us

  • How fascinating!  You find so many interesting things to do and write about. 

    As ever, Carol Suzanne

  • Hi, Michel!

    So nice to hear from you.  You are amazing and so inspiring.  Thank you so much for your kind words.  I don't know what you mean by not being very good at writing in English.  I think you do an excellent job!!!  It is always nice to hear from you, and thank you for the compliments.  That is uplifting in itself! 

    I hope you are having a great week, so far!  Take care and God Bless.

    Love & Friendship,



  • Much better than the Spanish version.  I hate to see the bull killed.

  • I'd be at the edge of my seat watching this.

  • I am glad they don't kill the bulls i think the Spanish are uncivilised to take such pride in their Bull Fights when there I refused to see one on principal funny as the people were so friendly yet they practice and cheer this horrific act Love marjie

  • That's really interesting!  While we were in China we watched some tv and were amazed to see bull fighting being shown.  I felt so sorry for the bull to be put through such torture.  I like this version with the ribbons so much better!

  • Now this is a sport that I'd enjoy. Not one animal gets to meet God prematurely!

  • I always feel sorry for the Bulls. Judi

  • très intéressant ton reportage Michel
    des jeux ici qui finissent bien :)
    et puisque le taureau s'en sort vivant, j'applaudis :)


  • It ' s better to put happiness and courage into ones heart than in the skin !!!
    In friendship

    You're right, but sometimes I need a little reminder. :)


  • ryc: there's so much of the US that is still great, but I really cannot see it holding together as a nation much longer. The differences between those "blue state" secular democracies and the "red state" (I know, Americans have the colors wrong) theocracies are so vast - there is simply nothing at all that joins New York and California to Texas and Georgia. A grand experiment, but it may be nearing the end.

  • Thank you, Michel...I was in a dark place, and you made it better...now, for our tea!  Have a lovely weekend, and show us some pictures of new places you have discovered!  Big hug!  Lowie

  • It's nice to see them honor the bull instead of killing it like in other countries. Lovely photographs.

  • Hope all is well with you and your family. Judi

  • arent you a little old for xanga

  • Seems to me a most civilized way to play games with bulls.   I admire them and also admire the fleet of foot and quick of action people who go in the ring just to filch a ribbon. 

    Thanks for the exquisite pictures Michel.

  • Sometimes I will catch a rodeo on the television, where they ride the bulls.  They also honor the bull and say all the attributes.  Their life is to buck the cowbow off.....the cowboy's life is to ride for a few seconds.  I do think the bull has the best life.

  • Haha... this is very interesting. I would love to be there to watch too!

  • Thank you so much for pointing out Marina...Such a beautiful lady.  Now I can picture her.  I think that does help.



  • Writing back to you...

    You know that I love hearing from you.  I hope all is well.  As for the car, I would take it in and have someone fix it, but Dan thinks he and his brother can fix the brakes.  If they can then the savings would quite a lot.  Dan hasn't been unemployed since April.  My worries about that I just need to quit holding onto.  It will all work out, I just can't see it right now.  It does not help that I have not found a family to work for yet.  It has to get better. The grandchildren help me to see the good things in life.  - R

  • Thank you for your kind words, Michel.

    You are blessed.

  • I have never heard of these games with the bulls. Quite interesting and glad the bulls are not hurt. I think it takes a brave person to face those bulls.  I would not want to be out in that ring. Very nice pics.

    Hope you are enjoying your weekend, Michel. It was only 25 degrees here in NH, USA this morning. Brr...

    Love Edie Rose

  • Your comment certainly did register......thankyou Michel.  It is always wonderful to hear from you.

    Yes, my background is quite busy......I know. 

    The reason that I have it on is that a young friend of mine has started calling me by my middle name .........Lilian.......but he calls me Lily.

    Cute, huh!?!

    So there is the story of the background and why i like it so much

    Be blessed dear sir, and if you have trouble with the comments box, feel free to send your comment by e-mail.

    Be blessed Michel!!!

    Narelle (0=`~

  • I have never been to a bull fight. I have always thought that I would not like it, but I might enjoy it if the bull was not killed.

  • hi michel!!! ;) we went to tokyo where we used to live and now we're back in beijing. we have an apartment here and also in london due to hubby's work. it's fun, too! i've never been to singapore though but would love to someday. my parents are in korea and i used to live there before. we will probably go there around thanksgiving time since my bday is around then and my dad's is dec. 3rd, too! it's good for me to come back to beijing for me to get more traditional chinese medicine (TCM) treatment. i start tomorrow and i'm excited. it helps my nerve injuries which were caused by my first lupus attack in 2003. i continue to improve but my london drs don't understand why i continue to improve. i don't tell them that i also receive TCM. hahahah ;) it's not blood that makes the dak kalbi so red. it's kochujang which is a spicy sauce that koreans use a lot of! do you cook or does your wife? btw, what city do you live in? i showed hubby your blog and he's happy i've found new interesting people's blogs fropm xanga! so am i!!! :D have a lovely day, michel! love, ange

  • Michel ,thanks so much for your nice comment, any encouragement helps to make me feel better. . In answer to your question on the tubs of flowers, I cannot take credit for doing them. They are at a business-Dairy Queen-where I go sometimes to enjoy ice cream. I have admired their beauty all summer. Wish I could have taken a picture sooner, as they were really beautiful a few weeks ago.

    Have a great week!!!

    Love Edie Rose

  • Ooooooooohhhhhhhh, Michel!!!!  How neat!  Thanks so much for sharing that.  I wouldn't even know what it is like to really see something like that!  The only things I have seen in my lifetime is crash-up Derbys at the local, county fairs, and mud races.  That is it!!!  Oh, and maybe just once, or twice, at that!  I don't get out much.  Anyways...love your pictures!  That is so interesting!

    You are so inspiring.  Thanks for your kind words, and encouragement.  You are a wonderful person!  It was nice to hear from you!  Hope all is well, and you are having a wonderful weekend!  Take care, and God Bless.

    Your friend, indeed,


  • "You are graduating in what mattter ?"

    I guess I don't really understand your question, but I'm graduating at the end of May.


  • Well, he may be the new man model, which is sad...he will have no muscles to attract the girls!  There is no way I can lift those bags, so I won't be hurting my back...now, to find a strong, abled guy to do the work....hmmmm!  I Just spent a few hours at an arts and crafts festival, the weather is lovely today, in the 60's, and will drop down to the 40's tonight...we are so looking forward to Autumm!  Are you seeing the colorful leaves yet in your lovely corner of the world?  Cheers, Lowie  xoxo

  • I am somewhat pessimistic. For all the problems in Europe I just think it remains ahead in terms of the future. America's biggest problems? That combination of a religion that assures too many people that they are both "right" and "better than everyone else," and being on a continent so big they never discover anyone really different from themselves (a "red state" phenomena, plus a very dysfunctional political system that convinces most people not to take part.

    But who knows? Americans have a remarkable capacity to both "wake up" and "learn quickly" (World War II being the best example). It just might break at any time.

  • Okay, that's a lot clearer now.  Until January, I'm taking Math, Art, Spanish, English, and FACS (taxes, sewing, cooking, that sort of thing).

    And then from January-May, I'm taking a different English, US Government, Math, Spanish, and Gym.

    The math tests are starting to get to me though. I know the material for the assignment, I do fine on those.  Then the tests are impossible.  I make a few stupid mistakes. It's bringing my GPA down, so I don't think I'll be taking that next semester.  I think I will take a job shadowing class instead.  Geometry is fun, all other math is terrible.


  • Si, soy maestra bilingue... enseno en espanol. Tome' clases de frances y comprendo la mayoria de lo que escribes en frances... pero estoy deprimida al pensar en cuanto se me ha olvidado del frances. :( Quiero tomar clases otra vez, pero es dificil encontrar el tiempo como maestra del primer ano.

  • Hi, Michel!

    Thank you for the comment, and the compliment.

    Yes, the antique shop did me a wonder of good, and I will enjoy visiting there time and time again.  My sister-n-law and I, already have plans of meeting for breakfast and coffee, this coming Friday, and then going to the new Antique Shop.  We are both very excited!  I told her I don't care if I am broke, or not.  I still want to go.  I just know that when I get my own place...I know where I will go do all my shopping.  = )  It is still, always, fun to look.  Right?

    I am amazed at how many people comment on your site.  How do you keep up with them all?  You post very interesting stuff!  I love coming here and reading what I can, as long as it is in English, and looking at all of your amazing pictures.  Thank you so much for sharing.

    Hope you had a wonderful weekend, and hope you have a wonderful Monday!  Take care, Michel.  God Bless.

    Love & Friendship,


  • hahaha oh i was worried you thought that was bloody food! :giggle: oh i see. does janine cook well? french food or other types of food also? i am so curious about you. :) how do you speak english so well? that is not normal for french people, is it? in any case, i do enjoy being your xanga friend! :goodjob:how do you add the heart and other smiley faces if you don't have the emoticons on your site? that is why i put them on my blog so it's easy for people to put them in their comments! hahahha you have a great day! :lol: :heartbeat:angela

  • Interesting pictures! Thank you for cheering me up!!

  • It's refreshing to read of such entertainment.  Are bullfights where the bull is killed a thing of the past?  I hope so.

  • How fun!! I am glad they do not hurt or kill the bull. I am sure the bull hurts them though. Great pictures of the event.

  • I'm so glad that you got the card.  I had a feeling that you missed the day that I put the first pictures up. - Rachel

  • Je suis heureuse que le taureau n'est jamais tue - pensez-vous que le taureau comprend le jeu?

  • RYC...the Gecko is still loose in the house...he is hiding from me, and must miss his mate terribly, but doesn't know how to get back out...I'm sure he/she is scared...and hungry!  I will search for him tonight and see if I can gather him up and take him back to his homeland...right outside my door, under a red clay shingle!  Have a good week, my friend!  Lowie

  • Ohhhh ... this sounds like so much fun to watch!  How exciting!  I think I would love to go and watch this game.  Thank you for sharing my friend.  Have a blessed week.


  • Although it is raining...I am off the the Fair!  For sure, it will not be crowded!  Hugs! Lowie

  • this sounds like an interesting sport and all might remain good sports, especially if the bull gores no one :)   It sounds better than killing an animal for entertainment, contesting for his ribbons sounds more challenging for the people brave enough to attempt this sport....

  • I kind of like the way this game goes. I do not like the way they torture the bull than kill him in the other sport. That is one reason I never went to a bull fight. Take Care.

  • What a wonderful story & photos.  I am glad they do not harm the bull.  The horses are gorgeous.

  • Your photo's are like watcing a picture story. The colors are vivid and the story you tell is marvelous. I could spend forever here! 

  • Glad you liked the Amethyst Michel, Judi

  • Thank you so much for the link to Terry's poem-I loved it! Regarding the pictures--Matt is my 32 yr old son. He is married to Tamme, and they are parents to Zachary who is 1. They have 2 other boys-Christian,11-and Micah, 8. Brian is my 18 yr old nephew--he is going to Stout Univ. in Wisconsin. Love to you, dear man!!

  • Thanks for the encouragement. A friend of mine and I made a deal in which she is going to attempt to teach me to dance. Should be interesting as I have little to no natural dancing ability or rhythm.

  • I like that they don't kill the bull.  I always thought that watching a bull fight would be interesting but I wouldn't want to see the bull get hurt and killed.

  • Michel my friend how are you?  It was so good to see you.  I am in awe of these games.  So much more fair than the matadores with their bulls in Spain.  Which I have seen in much much younger years.  This looks like it would be totally enjoyable and very much honoring the noble bulls.  How very nice!  Thank you for sharing!  I so love your site and your posts.  I will be back here soon as I so love your posts.  I am back and hopefully for quite a while!

  • OOps my friend I forgot to leave you with much love and many hugs ! ! !   I missed visiting you!  May you and yours sleep with the angels and wake up fully rested and ready for a new day! ! ! !

  • Reminds me a little of the rodeos we have here in Texas. Only the cowboys ride the bulls and there are clowns in the ring to keep the bull occupied when the cowboys fall off. The point is for the cowboy to stay on for so many seconds while the bull bucks real hard to try to get him off. Of course, everyone wants to stay away from the horns!  Hope you are doing well.   Blessings, kc

  • You are so welcome, Michel!!! Have a wonderful Thursday!!
    Love, Laurie

  • Hi Michel!  Had a great time at the state fair...although there was no hot tea...I did have fresh-squeezed lemonade!  Hoping you are well these days...your friend, Lowie

  • Did that mean you gave her an emerald ring? Judi

  • I so love costumes such as the ladies are wearing. I wish I could have seen this, Michel. Also Carmen is one of my favorite operas. I once thought I could be singing her role. No longer!!! I still have them in my memory. I am emailing you next!

  •   Really enjoyed this entry, I've never heard of this tradition so I was fascinated. I'm very glad the bull is not killed. And those horses are beautiful! I drew a picture of  Camargue horses when I was a teenager, so I am pleased to see them. Thanks for sharing pictures of such magnificant animals(both the horses & the bull).

  • Hi Michel,

    I've added you to my Protected Postings list. Simply sign in and view my site directly, or click on "Protected Posts" when you read your subscriptions from your own site.


  • Hi,I posted something about our garden and I thought you would like to see it.How are you,do you have a garden??

  • Hi, Michel!

    Hope all is well.  Just thought I would check in on ya', and say, "Hi."  Take care and God Bless.

    Love & Friendship always,


  • How are you Michel? Judi

  • Michel I sent you a message on your xanga mail box.  Shirley

  • Goodmorning, Michel!

    I sure do hope the one you are worried about gets better.  I will keep you, and yours, in my thoughts and in my prayers.  Take care, and God Bless.

    Love & friendship always,


  • Thanks for the visit.  Much love and many hugs! ! ! !     Have a great day and a wonderful weekend! ! ! !  Sleep with the angels and wake up fully rested and read for a brand new day! ! ! !  Take care!

  • When I was a girl in school we had to take two years of latin. I can read a lot of the romance languages or guess at the meaning at least though I have never had any of those languages in classes because of the root words that came from the latin. Judi

  • Those are amazing photos and a fascinating story. Thank you for sharing, Michel.

  • You are very much a word painter yourself, with the beautiful posts you do, and the wonderful comments you leave!!

  • I am sorry about this. I am not sure what DIL means though.



  • Very interesting: I'd never heard of this type of game before. I prefer this type of match to the straight "bull fighting" where the bull is killed. I hate to see any animal get killed.

    Lovely pictures! Have a great weekend, Michel!

  • Such a nice game. Such a nice tradition. Too bad that people sometimes get wounded. But it sounds like a wonderful game for the bulls.

  • WOW !!!
    I want ot see.
    I feel sort of bad for the bull, but i understand that it's tradition and whatnot.
    Wow, feel sort of bad for that guy too....

  • It seem's scary to me but im sure you men like it. love fancy

  • Salut Michel!

    Ca faire des années que je suis sur l'ordinateur! Ca va toi? Les photos sont incroyables.. tu es très chanceux de voir des taureaux en Provence. 
    Au sujet de moi... presque rien. J'ai commencé une autre année à l'école (juste une autre après cette année et je serai finie! Merci Dieu!). J'ai manqué une semaine car j'ai vu quelques pièces à Stratford (Ontario, pas l'Angleterre)  avec des étudiantes de mon école. On a vu deux pièces de Shakespeare, une de Charles Dickens et une autre de Tennessee Williams. Mais, j'ai manqué beaucoup de travail à l'école. Whoops! Hehe

    On a recu notre premier gout d'hiver. Au sud de l'Ontario, il y avait 50 cm de la neige hier soir. Chanceux pour nous à Ottawa, on n'a pas eu la neige mais ca fait très froid. Quels temps fait-il en France?

    D'accord, j'ai parlé trop dans cette commentaire. Aie une bonne fin-semaine, Michel!


  • 147 comments wow you are a popular guy, Judi

  • How much kinder than the other bull games.  I would watch this game where the bull is king. Ole!

  • I enjoyed your comments on my photoblog.  They made me smile, especially the one that shows the group sitting around together with no TV and ...what do they do?  You know the answer, they do one of the most pleasant things we humans can do together....just talk and have a conversation and share some laughs.

    Yes, I taught German...beginning  German.  I enjoyed it so much!  There weren't that many jobs available to I went into Library Science and was both a school librarian and a public librarian.  I hated the school librarian job because the library was used as a planning period for teachers  and it was all discipline and clerical details....neither one which I enjoy.  In the public libraries, I could tell stories and work with children and their parents. I liked that...but I enjoyed teaching German most of all.  I haven't done it for so many years, I'd have to do a lot of review but...I love learning languages...and French is so beautiful.  I learn from reading your entries but...I can't talk as fast as the French...

  • I've always wanted to see that

  • How very interesting!  I didn't know this was a sport in France -- only thought of Spain and Mexico! 

  • I read your comment on Marj's site and wondered if you are ill. I hope not. When the weather changes, I often have a cold. I hope all is  well for you now. I am sending a petition to St. Anthony.  

  • Sorry I haven't made time to comment, Michel. I hope everything is going well. Its very wonderful to see that you are still active and engaging yourself in various things in your old age.. As always I appreciate your wonderful thoughts and encouraging words..

    Blessings Friend,


  • Merci pour la commentaire, Michel! Je n'ai pas une site en anglais encore C'était brokenbutterfly9 mais j'ai trouvé qu'il y avait une manque de popularité! Heh, alors je l'ai terminé. Peut etre je vais faire un autre Xanga en anglais.....
    Ouais, Shakespeare en anglais c'est la plus pire! Haha! Moi, je préfère une piece par Molière ou Marcel Dubé. As-tu entendu ce nom? Il est un écriteur canadien (de Montréal). J'ai beaucoup aimé sa pièce Zone, si tu peux la trouver.

    Alors, j'ai besoin de finir mes études pour la soir! Bonne nuit!


  • Poor bulls...I'm glad they're not harmed!

  • I did not understand this comment "I have big worries about the health of a DIL? Who is DIL your wife? Judi .

  • Michel, a little prayer. - Rachel

  • Just read about your DIL on another site-Denver Dougs. Sorry to hear that. My prayers are with you.


    Edie Rose

  • J'ai bien cueilli ton gentil reproche, Michel. Je sais de n'avoir pas commenté ton blog sur le taureau, mais il y avait déjà tellement de personnes qui te faisaient leurs compliments, il n'y avait pas besoin de ma voix pour ajouter quelque chose à un reportage si gentil... mais surtout, je n'avais pas envie de bavarder de taureaux. L'image inoubliable d'un taureau mourant que j'ai vu sortir sur un chariot de l'arène d'Arlès, l'odeur acre de la peur, son regard désespéré  fixé au ciel bleu m'ont bloqué à jamais sur ce sujet.
    Je m'excuse, et je t'assure que, puisque je rencontre souvent tes commentaires aux amis communs, je suis en train de prier pour toi et pour toute ta famille, bien que je n'arrive pas à accepter que l'on puisse avoir de tels problèmes à si jeune âge. C'est un peux comme pour le taureaux, tu vois: il était si fort, si beau, si plein de vie... Non Michel, je n'ai vraiment pas envie de parler de tout ça, pour le moment, la chose m'angoisse. Pardonne-moi!
    Mais je pense bien souvent a toi et à tous les amis de xanga (et je peux te le dire en toute confiance, à toi seulement, puisque le pourcentage de tes amis de blog qui comprennent aussi le français est plutôt basse, n'est-ce pas?).
    Ciao, que le Seigneur vous aide, et vous protège, tous.

  • That would scare me to death! Hope you are doing alright.

    Love ~n~ Hugs

  • Sending an e-mail. - Rachel

  • What is the matter with your daughter-in-law? I will pray for her. Judi

  • May God Bless you and know you are in my thoughts and prayers my friend.


  • Prayers for your daughter-in-laws healing and your worry. love, Judi

  • I'm so glad to hear the bulls are never killed.  You know what an animal lover I am and I hate to think of any being hurt or mistreated.  This sounds like a great event to attend.

    I've missed you Michel!  I know I take longer and longer breaks these days from xanga but I'm always thinking about you and hoping for the best for you and your wonderful family.

    Thank you for your compliment on my picture thing!  Isn't that the coolest?  I loved doing it- it brought back a lot of great memories for me. 

  • Thanks for stopping by. The wine and the walk in the woods sounded like a great idea, that would have added greatly to the day.

    We have not had any snow yet, but it has snowed on top of Mount Washington, which is a few miles away from where I live. We have only had frost so far, but I am sure that the snow will not be far behind. A few mornings have only been in the 20's.

    I pray your SIL will do well with the surgery.


    Edie Rose

  • Im feeling much better thanks to all the prayers sent up by you and all my friends. Thank you love fancy

  • Salut Michel!

    Oui j'écoute la musique francaise, mais c'est plus la musique francaise-canadienne, pas les chanteurs qui viennent de la France.
    Merci pour m'encourager dans les maths. Je finalement comprends la nouvelle unité alors je suis contente avec ca ... Je pense que c'est tout avec moi!
    J'ai vu que c'est 18C en France aujourd'hui. Chanceux! On n'a pas la neige encore, mais il y a de la pluie et c'est seulement 8C Zut alors...

    A la prochaine! <3


  • Thank you, darlin'!!  When you visit Texas...I'll make you some chili!  Hope your week is going well, and that you are visiting new places to tell us about!  Hugs, Lowie

  • My prayers are with you friend. Judi

  • i always wanted to go to one of those...also to see the running of the bulls...that always fascinated me.

  • Thank you so much, Michel!!

  • Hi Michel,

    You are the first to tell me that my humor is British-like.  I did spend a number of years in Canada, but that is as British as I get.  :)   I have a new post that you may find humorous....it's about fish!

  • How is your DIL? Judi

  • I am so sorry that your daughter-in-law is so sick. I will continue prayers. Judi

  • This is amazing!  I love that the bull is not killed. 

  • Hello, Michel...thinking of you, and wishing you a peaceful weekend...I have the Dallas Race for the Cure (Breast Cancer) tomorrow and am doing the 5K for the first time in 10 years!  Wish me luck, I will surely need a cup of tea after that!  Hugs, Lowie 

  • Just sending a smile today - heard there was something up, on Marj's (portia's) site.  Hugs!  : )

  • Just wanted to stop by and see how you are doing. Take care.

  • Bonjour Michel, je suis tres heureuse de lire cette histoire car je suis toujour curieuse des jeux de taureaux en Provence. J'ai visite l'arene roman a l'Arles et je me demande comment les jeux se passe. C'est vraiment une histoire animee que tu as ecrit et les photos sont superbes. Merci pour la raconte. C'est bien qu'on ne tue pas les taureaux, qui sont en fait les heros!

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