October 2, 2001

  • Le temps des noix .

      Cet après - midi sur la pelouse il y avait beaucoup de noix tombées . Le vent soufflait fort . Patiemment je ramassais et progressivement je fus pénétré par la musique du vent , ces sons étranges qu ' il faisait avec les branches et le feuillage du noyer . Je me sentais exister - seul avec Dieu . Puis d ' autres sons arrivèrent comme des vagues de voix humaines  . Des voisins de jardin parlaient entre eux non loin . Leurs voix m ' arrivaient tantôt mezzo forte tantôt pianissimo . Elles chantaient avec la musique du vent dans une mystérieuse et apaisante harmonie . Moments précieux qu ' on voudrait retenir .

      Walnuts  time .

      This afternoon there were a lot of fallen walnuts on the lawn . The wind was blowing strongly . Patiently I gathered and progressively I was impressed by the wind music , these strange sounds that it was doing with the walnut tree ' s branches and foliage . I felt myself being - alone with God . Then other sounds arrived like human voices waves . The garden neighbours were speaking each other no far . Their voices came to me sometimes mezzo forte sometimes pianissimo . They sang with the wind music doing a mysterious and peaceful harmony . Precious moments we would like keep .

Comments (15)

  • Lovely images.. my favorite nature sound? The brooks.

  • I used to stand and listen to the sound music of telephone wires    This was many years ago and it does not seem to happen in today's world

    I like to gather beech nuts too

  • You have captured a nice moment in beautiful words. I like walnuts. Only we have to buy them here...

  • Wind Music...Enchanting...Thanks:)

  • Il silenzio de la noche.
    La noche in spanish means "the night"
    La noce in Italian means "The walnut"
    The silence of the night or the silence of the walnut.

  • Que c'est relaxant la nature.

  • The wind does make beautifull music...Its such a lovely and soothing sound to me..i also love wallnuts..How wonderfull to have wallnut trees around you...

    Have a beautifull day...


  • The hills are alive with the sound of music. This brings to mind the sound of the wind through the big pine trees up on  the mountain this past Sunday. The fragrance was so soft and fresh. Oh, how Jehovahs blesses us with the beauty of creation.

  • Comment beau. Un arbre qui fait la musique avec le vent et cause des sentiments de Dieu. J'estime que quand j'observe le soleil rouge de firey plonger à l'horizon.

  • Merci... Le vent souffle fort ici aujourd'hui et grâce à ce que je lis ici, j'ai préféré éteindre tout son dans la maison et l'écouter siffler de ma fenêtre... Calme...


  • Quel esprit spirituel! C'est bon!

  • I love the way you used your imagary. Great post!

  • Je viens de lire votre log et je ne pars jamais decu. Merci pour creer une monde que nous pouvons partager.

  • Precious moments described into nice simple words..

    Nice blog!

  • I have almost forgotten the real music of the wind.  I put up 2 wind chimes and they drown out most of the other "real" wind music.  I had to think back and remember those sounds.  I remembered visiting my grandmothers house in the Appalachian Mountains and listening to the rain fall through the pine trees and then it would fall on their tin roof, when we would be in upstairs in the bedroom loft.  It was as nice a sound as the view out the window looking down the mountain to a little road along the river below.  My grandfather never drove so there was  a quarter mile walk up along a cow path to their house. It was very old fashioned and homey.. Those were pretty sounds up there, no city noises, nor city lights either.....

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taking care of what is around us


October 2001
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