March 4, 2015

  • Do you know Sara Shanks?/ I found again Sara!

    Connaissez-vous Sara Shanks ?
    Do you know Sara Shanks ?

    2 Mars 2015



    English version below the picture



    En rangeant mon bureau je me trouvais confronté à un  tas de papiers anciens. Je devais  jeter  de façon impitoyable des  documents que j’ avais élaborés ou utilisés  autrefois . C’ est ainsi que j’ ai retrouvé cette photo envoyée comme carte de Noël et Nouvel an . Un visage aimable et souriant. Un regard franc . L’intérieur de la carte était écrit à la main en français et c’était signé Sara Shanks. L’ enveloppe n’ était plus là donc plus d’ adresse . Sara devait être parmi ces nombreux amis de Xanga  d’il ya 6 ou 7 ans.   C’ est si triste d’ avoir eu tant d’ amis dont on a perdu trace .
    J’ aurais aimé retrouver cette Sara Shanks qui à l’ époque avait manifesté tant de prévenance en envoyant à Janine et à moi une carte-photo et nous souhaitant la bonne année .
     Avez – vous déjè rencontré de telle situations ?

    Peut-être la connaissez-vous Sara Shanks   comme elle est sur la photo ?

    Sara Shanks


    Tidying my desk I faced a bunch of old papers. I had to throw without mercy  a lot documents that I had developed or used before.. In doing this  I have found this photo above sent to Janine and I  as a Christmas Card and New Year. A friendly and smiling face. A frank look. The inside of the card was handwritten in French  and it was signed Sara Shanks. The envelope was no longer there so no address nor year. Sara would be among the many friends Xanga of 6 or 7 years ago or more. It is so sad to have had so many friends that we have lost trace.
       I would have liked to find again  this Sara Shanks who at the time had shown so much kindness by sending to  Janine and me a photo card and wishing us a happy  year. Perhaps you know  Sara Shanks like she is on the photo?

    Did you already meet such situations ?

    Up date March 4, 2015

    J’ ai retrouvé Sara !
     I found again Sara!


    English version below the picture


     Enfin avec facebook j’ ai retrouvé Sara Shanks  assez rapidement Lundi soir vers minuit heure française. J’ ai mis sur facebook la même entrée qu’ici sur Xanga  et elle répondit en français comme sur l’ancienne carte de Noël. Bon français écrit, même physionomie : sans aucun doute c’était elle. A première vue ce n’était pas évident  parce qu’il y avait plusieurs Sara Shanks ou Sarah Shanks . Et maintenant c’ est Madame  Sara Rush-Shanks. Elle est mariée et a trois enfants ,et, comme dans un conte de fée toute la famille apparaît heureuse.

      Je suis soulagé parce que cette photo-carte m’intriguait depuis tant d’années  mauis j’ abandonnais  toujours la recherche de l’ espéditrice. Mais hier soir je suis allé de l’ avant et j’ ai réussi. Qielques amis m’ont aidé sur facebook . Facebook n’ est pas un site pour bloguer  mais un site social efficace ( pour le bon usage )

    Vous pouvez trouver Sara  et sa famille ici : :

     Sara Shanks carte de Noël  intérieur

    Translation in English : "Michel and Janine , I hope you have a great time with family and friends at this Christmas. Have good French food for me!   Sara Shanks.    Other page : Merry Christmas and happy New year

    I found again Sara !

    Finally with facebook I found Sara Shanks  rather quickly last Monday around midnight (French hour ) . I put the same entry on facebook as here on Xanga . and she answered in French like on the  ancient Christmas card .   Good French writing, same look , without any doubt it was her . At first sight it was not so obvious because there were several  Sara Shanks or Sarah Shanks . And now  this is Lady Sara Rush-Shanks . She is married and she got three children  and like in a fairy tale all of the  family looks happy.

     I am relieved because   this photo-card intrigued me for so many years but I always gave up to find again  the sender. But yesterday I went ahead and succeeded .  Some friends helped me on facebook .  Facebook is not a place for blogging but is a social site efficient ( for a good use.)

     You can find her and her family here :


Comments (37)

  • Sorry Michel, I do not know this lady,


  • Xanga was once such a nice bonding place. So sorry to see that it has dissolved. :-(

  • I miss so very many people who used to be on Xanga ~

  • She is not a face or name I remember. What was her xanga name?

  • I am sure I do not know her. I am sorry. But have you tried facebook? you can type her name in the top bar to find friends, and perhaps you will find her there?

    RYC; thank you for the comment Michel on my post. I have replied to you there. Your posts are full of sunshine.

  • I'm sorry, Michel, but I do not remember her. I hope you can locate her.
    Yes, so many people have come and gone on Xanga over the years. I am so happy that many I met early on (10 years ago this Autumn) still keep up with me on WordPress, by e-mail, snail-mail, texts, and phone calls. :-)
    People come into our lives for reasons, and for a season or two, and then are often gone.

  • So, Michel.... you are not the only one with disappearing comments....
    the one I left for Frank today disappeared also. Seems that Xanga has a comment eating gremlin... eating bits and bites? ;-)

    • Yes ,Lynn, my first comment was swallowed when I have clicked submit. Now I take care to copy before submit.
      And worst : I have to comment here your latest entry: God gave me more than expected . However I had a dream : make the tour of the world at my retirement but this has not been possible . Xanga is my tour of the world; :)
      impossible to put a comment on your latest entry. Sorry.

  • Bon jour Michel,
    I have found your lost comments, and they have been restored to life. :-)
    In trying to block spam comments that have been appearing on my site, apparently your comments got thrown into the spam bin also.
    I found one from Zakia also, so I am glad you called my attention to it. I will have to keep closer watch.

  • I always wanted to travel to different countries too, but it was not in God's plans for me either. I still have big dreams though, if ever they might still be realized. :-)
    Xanga and the internet are my connection to the world also. I adore having my cyber-friend in France. :-)

  • Hello my friend and thank you for the note you sent me.Your always so kind to remember me. I don't get on here much any more-I do miss all the good friends I made here. I think of you often. Glad your feeling better

  • Good morning Michel. No I don't know her either. So many folks disappeared when Xanga morphed into this place. I don't write here often enough anymore myself. As mentioned above you might find her on Facebook. Otherwise send her a prayer and she'll get it. (pats heart, and points to you)

  • How wonderful that you found her. How exciting to update about her life. :-)

  • This is such a lovely turn of events---Happy for you!

  • What a blessing that you were able to find her. You persevered and there she was.

  • Yay! So good that you were able to reconnect!

  • I'm glad you found your friend. :-)

  • I'm so glad you found her! :-)
    HUGS!!! :-)

  • Oh how wonderful that you found her again. There are so many oriole I have lost track off that I miss from manga but am so grateful to have reconnected to some on Facebook and some on wordpress.
    Have a wonderful week Michel.

  • TY so very much for your comment on my post with the photo of the rose and 19 days til spring.

  • that is so great to find someone you thought was not in your life. I hope you find good times reconnecting with such a friend.

  • I don't know her either. Sad that Xanga has changed so much.

  • I'm glad you found her also! You can never have too many friends..ilym

  • I'm glad you found her, Michel.

    I have not been on WordPress or Xanga in several months because the computer at my job blocks them, and at home I rarely have time. I didn't renew my Xanga because I wasn't using it. I hope in the future I can start blogging and reading my favorite blogs again.

    Blessings to you in 2015!

  • Happy for you Michel. I have never been that fortunate.

  • This is really exciting. I was through your inquiry about this that I questioned the "whereabouts" of a Xanga friend that I hadn't heard from and with the help of another Xanga and facebook friend, I found her and now we are friends. It's such a great thing to know that friends you have met here are not lost to you.

  • I had sent replies on your previous blogs but had not signed in to my josaju Xanga account. I guess you got them.

    Have a wonderful day.
    votre amie,

  • So pleased to hear that you found Sara and have reconnected with her! Facebook and Xanga are wonderful in finding lost friends!

    Hope all is well, Michel! Cheers!!

  • Hi Michle. Glad you found Sara again. How wonderful to renew a friendship. It is sunny here, but I'm indoors. To much pain to be out. One physical therapy treatment just about has killed me. In a few minutes, will put ice on all the sore parts of the body. Enjoy the pretty things of spring. Love Marilyn Thysell

  • Thank you for your kind fun comments on my WordPress blogs, Michel!
    I responded to your comment there on how to make a red heart! :-) It works on WordPress, but not here on Xanga.
    HUGS!!! :-)

  • Such a great story! I'm glad you found each other again. :)

  • TY so very much of your comments on my photo between two trees. yes I was standing close to the edge of a cliff on a large hill.

  • Ty so very much for your comment on my post about my pawn shop find.

  • Hey, Michel!
    I hope you and Janine are having a wonderful day!!! :-)
    HUGS!!! :-)

  • Is that not wonderful when we locate old friends! Lots of love to all <3

  • I am glad you found your friend!

  • Hello Sara. :-)

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