October 20, 2014

  • Autumn glory in the garden/ Sea, sun, dogs!...

    Gloire de l' automne dans le jardin

    Autumn glory in the garden


    English version below the picture .


    On  peut entrer dans la deuxième partie du jardin par un étroit passage entre un lierre et l' abri à outils  . S'ouvre alors une zone lumineuse où se plaisent les fleurs . On voit déjà au loin  les grands hélianthèmes qui vous font signe

    path in the garden  16 octobre 2014

    We can enter a second part of the garden by a narrow path between an ivy and a tool shed . This is a lighted area where the flowers are pleased  to be .We already see farther the high yellow helianthemum that tell us hello.

    Et là tout se combine pour créer une merveille : dahlias and physalis ( lanterne d ' amour )

    fleurs en automne 2014

    And there all is combined to create  a Wonder ;: physalis ( Japanese lantern ), on the left, various varieties of Dahlias on the right   ( composition:Michel Fauquet )

    Sur votre chemin vous rencontrez le néflier qui vous fait admirer ses fruits dorés

    néflier (medlar)

    On you way you meet the medlar which makes you admire its golden fruits .


    Et quand vous arrivez à la barrière du potager les capucines semblent vous barrer le chemin en disant " reste un moment avec nous , il fait si beau  et nous sommes si belles.

    Dwarf nasturtium

    And when you arrive at the gate of the veggie garden the Dwarf Nasturtium stops you and tells you: “stay more longer with us , the weather is so nice and we are so beautiful”

    Et de même pour les Belles de jours qui fleurissent juste à côté. Vous n' irez donc pas au potager et vous vous réjouirez  avec toutes ces belles fleurs qui s 'étalent au soleil . N ' est - ce pas mieux?

    belles de jour

      And it is the same  for the morning glories who are in bloom just at the side . So, you won’t go to the veggie garden and you will enjoy those splendid flowers that open themselves to the sun . Is not the better thing to do ?
    All photos : M.Fauquet October 16,2014


    Up date  October 20 2014

    Mer, soleil et chiens
    Sea, sun, dogs!


    English version below the picture



      Dernièrement, un Samedi matin ,ma fille aînée Carole ( la duchesse ) se promenait sur une grande plage à proximité. Elle était seule sur la plage avec seulement ses deux chiens . Le soleil était éclatant et la mer, magnifique . L’ air était doux et la légère  brise caressante . La lumière était intense. Elle penait plaisir à voir ses deux goldens retrievers jouer comme des fous dans la mer mouvante, excités par l’écume et le bruit du ressac. Tout à coup elle vit une masse noire pas trop loin dans la mer, très intrigante. Qu’est – ce que c’était ? C’est à ce moment que la masse a bougé et Carole vit une tête qui la regardait. C’était un phoque. Il n’y avait pas que les chiens qui étaient ivres de liberté sur ce rivage presque sauvage. Carole aussi.

    2014  Octobre 11 chiens en bord de mer
    Photo with phone by Carole Fauquet  October 11, 2014

    Lately, on a Saturday morning , my oldest daughter Carole ( the duchess ) went for a walk on a large beach nearby . She was alone on the beach only with her two dogs . The sun was shining and the sea, beautiful . The air was sweet and the gentle breeze, caressing . The light was intense . She took pleasure at seeing her two golden retrievers playing like mad ones in the moving sea , excited by the foam and the sound of the surf. All of a sudden she saw a black mass not too far in the sea , very intriguing.. What was that ? This is  at this moment that the mass changed and Carole saw a head looking  at her . It was a seal!  It was not only the dogs that were drunk of freedom in this wild shore. Carole too.


    Et pendant que je tapais ceci je voyais un papillon, une vanesse de l' ortie, qui voletait désespérément contre la vitre attiré par la lumière et la liberté . Je lui ai ouvert la fenêtre.

    papillon à la fenêtre 20 Octobre
    Butterfly: Aglais urticae     Photo M. Fauquet  20 Octobre 2014
    And while I was typing this I saw a butterfly, Small Tortoiseshell fluttering against the glass desperately, attracted to light and freedom. I opened the window.


Comments (47)

  • the flowers and fruit around your house is so peaceful. Thank you for sharing the beauty tha is around you and your house.

  • Wow, Michel---you have such a beautiful place---You are very blessed.


  • Its been a really lovely autumn with great weather which has shown your garden in all its glory. Although there is suppose to be a huge storm coming soon

    • You are right Julie : the night after we got huge and unceasing showers ! The weather is not stable and we have to enjoy the good times

  • I thought for a moment that was a persimmon tree. I wonder if medlar and persimmon are related?

    • No, medlar and persimonn tree are two species of different families of plants.Thanks for your question.

  • Will you harvest the medlar fruits after the frost? I have always wanted to try medlar jelly!

    • The meddlar tree in my garden is a botanical curiosity and we do not use the fruits . This is after the first frost we can harvest them . At this time below their skin they look like apple sauce . We like or not!! Not so much tasty but some people love

  • Oh, I love all the beautiful flowers ~ dahlias! morning glories! nasturtiums!

  • I've read that French gardens are wild and lovely while English gardens are clipped and cultivated. Yours is a perfect example of a French garden. Just between you and me, I much prefer the slightly wild garden.

  • What a beautiful garden. We started out in a garden at the beginning. :-) Thanks for the walk through. Hope your week-end is wonderful!

  • This october month has being very nice and the flowers are thankfull. Your garden is very nice, specially the medlar reminds me of times gone and Shakespear

    Bien a toi et famille

  • Re your question ~ Yes, many covered bridges in Vermont can be crossed by car ~ stay posted ~ you will see many pictures of them more from our time there ~ :)

  • Your gardens are simply beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing them.
    Hugs and smiles, Char

  • Your morning glories are lovely! My mother has some blooming right now but they are a much paler blue. I am looking forward to making a nice guarding next spring. :)

  • You have taught me something new today. The medlar. The only fruit available in winter.

  • Beautiful flowers.

  • Your garden in Autumn IS glorious and beautiful! :-) Reminds me of the garden of Eden. ;-)
    I love mornin' glories! :-)
    HUGS!!! :-)

  • Your beautiful posts and photographs make my heart sing. It has been so long since my time on xanga ended. tea_lady

  • What a wonderful piece of paradise you have there Michel. Lovely.

  • seems like the plants in your garden can be used for medicine or food too?

    • You are right for nasturtium, medlar (and apple trees pictured in a previous post ) but this part of the garden is principally a lawn with "flower beds " , trees , for the well being . The veggie garden per se, is in after the gate, farther .

  • Hello Michel no worries at all about you being to busy to comment and hope all goes well with your lovely family.
    Have a wonderful week.

  • TY so very much of your comment on my post about the rude woman with the cart in Walmart.

  • TY so very much for your comments on my photo of the dahlia dropped petals in it's last day.

  • TY so very much of your comments on my photo of downtown Fall decorations.

  • Ty so very much for your congrats. on my time being sober Michel.
    Life is good.

  • I love the shot of the two dogs!

  • I hadn't heard of medlars before. They look a bit like níspero (loquat) but apparently they aren't very closely related. We have several loquat trees in our yard. They'll have fruit next spring.

  • Dogs and Seal playing and having fun sounds like a great sight to see. And that beautiful Butterfly with its desires to exit and let the breezes carry it away great sight. What great stories one can imagine with such sights.

    I wonder what the butterfly said to its friends on leaving.

  • How exciting to see the seal! I love the photo of the two goldens... my favorite dog. :-)
    I love the sentiment about the butterfly attracted to light and freedom, and you providing for its escape. :-)

  • Golden retrievers are wonderful! Those two are so handsome! What a beautiful photo! :-)
    Thank you for letting the butterfly free...off to more adventures! :-)
    HUGS!!! :-)

  • I love the nasturtiums!! and the beach of course! Your dogs are SO happy! :) Thank you for your comment.

  • Your garden is beautiful! I can just imagine how lovely it must be to sit there in the evening and just soak in the beauty, the quiet and the smell. I imagine bees buzzing, and the peace settling in all around.

  • I apologize for my sustained absence. Your garden is a dreamscape. The colors grace your yard like a painters palette graces the canvas. The nasturtiums can be a wondrous floral garnish for a dinner table. They can be eaten, but I find them a tad spicy.
    The morning glories however should not be eaten!, but rather only savored with the eye.

  • A wonderful photo of the dogs in the sea surf! You are kind to let the butterfly out and into the wide world!

  • Beautiful garden, beautiful pictures. I love the ocean and can live by the sea all my life if I could.

  • Merveilleux jardins et images et puis même le phoque nous fait tous rêver!!!
    Amitiés et sur le FB de Johann https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10204264270141399&set=a.3421783137823.2149385.1067520549&type=1&theater il y a 2 trèfles à 4 feuilles qui nous souhaitent tout le bonheur du monde

  • I am impressed by your astute observation of my painting. Last week I was looking at a collection of Renoirs works, and while attending the wedding I was struck at the similarities between the paintings of the French master and the scene before me, so with that thought I made my composition and focus of the same nature, yet with my own styling and flavor.
    I am flattered that you were able to see this.

    • At seeing your painting,John, Renoir immediately came to my mind. This proves, in fact, that I have a fairly accurate perception and you have a lot of talent.

  • I always enjoy seeing pictures of your garden. It is lovely, Michel.

  • Oh what a beautiful day for a walk by the sea.

  • TY for your comments on my post about us cellular and trying to deal with customer service.

  • TY so very much for your happy Thursday wishes. Hop you and your lovely family have a great week end.

  • Ty so very much for your comments on my photo of the mushroom.

  • Quite amazed as to how many fruits and flowers we have in common with different climates. Our frost free tome is from may 24 to about early September...gardenng 3a zone. But pears, dahlias, nasteriums are some in common...dogs are always lovely companions!

  • love seeing your beautiful home, michel. lucky carole!!! getting to see a seal!!!

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